Announcing Term.jl

Thanks for the quick answer, it helps!

Albeit a bit too nitty gritty for me, will make a post and see if others have found a good solution :slight_smile:

Kind regards

This package looks great!

One comment I have is that macros are used unnecessarily. The string style functions like @red, @bold or @underline don’t do anything that a function couldn’t do, and should really just be exposed to the user as normal functions.

I.e., define

function red(txt)
    code = ANSICode(get_color("red"); bg = false)
    styled = apply_style(txt) * styled * code.close

instead of

macro red(text)
        local txt = $(esc(text))
        code = ANSICode(get_color("red"); bg = false)
        styled = apply_style(txt)
        string( * styled * code.close)

as in macros.jl.

I agree that a little syntactic sugar would be nice, though. I propose something like

julia> macro red_str(txt)
           code = ANSICode(get_color("red"); bg = false)
@red_str (macro with 1 method)

julia> red"apple"

Another neat available (but less readable) syntax might be:

julia> const style_flags = Dict('r' => "red", 'u' => "underline");

julia> macro c_str(txt, flags)
               styles = [getindex(style_flags, flag) for flag in flags]
               println("applying styles: ", styles)
@c_str (macro with 1 method)

julia> c"hello"ru
applying styles: ["red", "underline"]

hey thanks!

That’s a fair point.
However I don’t see much of a change between using @red and @red_str and making this change would break existing code for users that have been using the macros as they are. Given that it would be just a small syntactic change I don’t think it makes it worth it to have this breaking change.

Thanks for the input though, get in touch if you have more ideas/requests!

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Keep me posted!