[ANN-RFC] FlowsheetTools.jl

A request for comments on a new WIP package, FlowsheetTools.jl.

This is a basic flowsheeting toolkit for chemical / process engineers.

There is always a need for mass balance reconciliation in my job - either when I am troubleshooting a running plant or fitting models to pilot plant data. I wanted a generic tool to define a flowsheet, mass balance boundaries etc and then run a reconciliation. I also included a mixer, some splitters and a stoichiometric reactor, since we never have all the data we need often need to calculate some streams. It is easy to add any additional user-defined unit operations.

There is a demo file to illustrate what you can do with the tookit as it stands: demo.ipynb.

I would love some input on missing features and improvements to the user interface. This is a tool I am using and would like to build out further. If you are interested in contributing, you are more than welcome. Let’s chat.

This is not meant to be a process simulator, but the basic building blocks are there. Maybe, if I ever find the time, I’ll add a recycle convergence algorithm.

In any event, I think I am ready for a first release and will register the package if I don’t find major flaws in the next week or so. I would love some input before then, though.


seems great!, i saw that you need to implement a tearing algorithm, maybe using ModelingToolkit could help in that regard? (of course, this is not a blocking issue for registration)

The stream tearing is a very nice to have, but not required feature that I am resisting. The temptation to change this into a simulator will be too large. :grinning: