[ANN] RegistryBrowser.jl - Interactively browse packages

For a long time I have wanted to be able to browse the packages in my registries directly from the REPL, so I built this tool to do this.

The latest stable version is able to display all package information that is locally available for uninstalled packages. This includes name, UUID, URL, versions, dependencies and compatibiity constraints. This version is in the general registry and more info is available at GitHub - GHTaarn/RegistryBrowser.jl: Interactively browse packages in a Julia registry

For those that also wish to view the last git commit and README.md files of the individual packages, I am currently working on this and you can install an experimental (but usable) version with

using Pkg
pkg"add https://github.com/GHTaarn/RegistryBrowser.jl#dev"