[ANN] PrettyTables.jl v2.0.0


After almost 8 months of work, I could release PrettyTables.jl v2.0.0! There are a lot of new features and many optimizations, see the CHANGELOG.md for more details.

Unfortunately there are some breaking changes. The biggest problems are if you are using filters (which were entirely removed) or HTML backend (which now defaults to standalone = false). The others should still function however with warnings.

The most important part is the optimizations. See the time to print first table in v1.3.1:

julia> @time pretty_table(A)
│ Col. 1 │ Col. 2 │ Col. 3 │
│      1 │      2 │      3 │
│      4 │      5 │      6 │
  0.847658 seconds (434.11 k allocations: 22.854 MiB, 1.48% gc time, 99.61% compilation time)

compared to v2.0.0

julia> @time pretty_table(A)
│ Col. 1 │ Col. 2 │ Col. 3 │
│      1 │      2 │      3 │
│      4 │      5 │      6 │
  0.578494 seconds (316.00 k allocations: 17.398 MiB, 99.91% compilation time)