Help testing PrettyTables v2


I have been working for a while in a huge rewrite of PrettyTables.jl internals. When I first developed this package, it was thought to be something straightforward: take a matrix and print it in a formatted table. I did not think about cropping, highlighting, multiple back-ends, etc. The result was in a suboptimal code since added features without tweaking how information flows.

I take some time and fix the concept. The code is now in master. All tests are passing, but I really need help from people who normally uses PrettyTables.jl to check if I miss something. The more immediate advantage is the performance. Take a look at the time to print the first table between master and v1.3:

Notice that we have breaking changes in HTML and LaTeX environments. I would love feedback on that too.

The idea is to tag v2.0 when we are ready to be the LaTeX printing backend of DataFrames.jl.


Thanks for doing this work! I have very little spare time but will be glad to test these changes.


PrettyTables.jl is amazing! I love this packege.
I will definitely test the v2.

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Thank you very much!!

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Working as expected for me, after making slight adjustments. I only use headers and highlighters, nothing else. Thanks!


Perfect! Thanks!

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Just gave it a quick try with JuliaCon.jl. Seems to work just fine without any changes!


Thanks @carstenbauer ! You gave me a very good idea. I will do the same with DataFrames (which uses a lot of options) to check if I broke something :smiley:



I have run a notebook I created some time ago to use PrettyTables to print matrices too large to fit on the screen width following what R does, and using today PrettyTables#master. I had to use the β€œheader” keyword instead of setting the header with the 2nd argument, but other than that everything worked. I attach my notebook in the following:

functions for printing labelled vectors and matrices

  • uses PrettyTables.jl
  • simpler and more symmetric arguments
  • provides ability to wrap large matrices to fit limited screen area
## using Formatting
## pyfmt(tfmt, tstr) = fmt(tfmt, tstr)
using Format
using PrettyTables
using DataFrames
using Measurements
using Random
## split matrix in submatrices of defined number of rows and columns
## for printing in a device with limited amount of rows and columns
function splitmatrix(
    nrow::Int, ncol::Int;
    col_names::Array{String, 1}=Array{String, 1}(),
    row_names::Array{String, 1}=Array{String, 1}(),
  if length(row_names) > 0 && length(row_names) != size(matr, 1)
    throw(DomainError(row_names, "row names number must match number of rows of matrix"))
  if length(col_names) > 0 && length(col_names) != size(matr, 2)
    throw(DomainError(col_names, "column names number must match number of columns of matrix"))
  col_beg = range(1, size(matr, 2), step=ncol)
  col_end = vcat(col_beg[2:end] .- 1, size(matr, 2))
  row_beg = range(1, size(matr, 1), step=nrow)
  row_end = vcat(row_beg[2:end] .- 1, size(matr, 1))
      rc = matr[rbeg:rend, cbeg:cend]
      if length(col_names) > 0
        rc = vcat(permutedims(col_names[cbeg:cend]), rc)
      if length(row_names) > 0
        if length(col_names) > 0
          row_names1 = vcat(topleft, row_names[rbeg:rend])
          row_names1 = row_names[rbeg:rend]
        rc = hcat(row_names1, rc)
    for (cbeg, cend) in zip(col_beg, col_end),
      (rbeg, rend) in zip(row_beg, row_end)

function splitmatrix(
    nrow::Int, ncol::Int;
  splitmatrix(reshape(matr, 1, length(matr)), nrow, ncol; kwargs...)

## formatter for PrettyTables
## - formats numbers

function pt_format1(fmtstr::String, v)
  return typeof(v) <: Number ? pyfmt(fmtstr, v) : v

pt_format(fmtstr::String) = pt_format([fmtstr])
pt_format(fmtstr::String, column::Int) = pt_format(fmtstr, [column])
pt_format(fmtstr::String, columns::AbstractVector{Int}) =
  pt_format([fmtstr for i = 1:length(columns)], columns)

function pt_format(fmtstr::Vector{String}, columns::AbstractVector{Int}=Int[])
  lc = length(columns)
  lc == 0 && (length(fmtstr) != 1) &&
  error("If columns is empty, then fmtstr must have only one element.")
  lc > 0 && (length(fmtstr) != lc) &&
  error("The vector columns must have the same number of elements of the vector fmtstr.")
  if lc == 0
    return (v, i, j) -> pt_format1(fmtstr[1], v)
    return (v, i, j) -> 
      @inbounds for k = 1:length(columns)
        if j == columns[k]
          return pt_format1(fmtstr[k], v)
      return v

## formatter for PrettyTables
## - formats numbers and Measurements

function pt_format_meas1(fmtstr::String, v)
  if typeof(v) <: Measurement
    return pyfmt(fmtstr, v.val) * " Β± " * pyfmt(fmtstr, v.err)
    return typeof(v) <: Number ? pyfmt(fmtstr, v) : v

pt_format_meas(fmtstr::String) = pt_format_meas([fmtstr])
pt_format_meas(fmtstr::String, column::Int) = pt_format_meas(fmtstr, [column])
pt_format_meas(fmtstr::String, columns::AbstractVector{Int}) =
  pt_format([fmtstr for i = 1:length(columns)], columns)

function pt_format_meas(fmtstr::Vector{String}, columns::AbstractVector{Int}=Int[])
  lc = length(columns)
  lc == 0 && (length(fmtstr) != 1) &&
  error("If columns is empty, then fmtstr must have only one element.")
  lc > 0 && (length(fmtstr) != lc) &&
  error("The vector columns must have the same number of elements of the vector fmtstr.")
  if lc == 0
    return (v, i, j) -> pt_format_meas1(fmtstr[1], v)
    return (v, i, j) -> 
      @inbounds for k = 1:length(columns)
        if j == columns[k]
          return pt_format_meas1(fmtstr[k], v)
      return v

##--- hilight 1st column for PrettyTables
const pt_hili_col1 = Highlighter((data, i, j) -> j==1, crayon"bold")

##--- hilight 1st column for PrettyTables
const pt_hili_row1 = Highlighter((data, i, j) -> i==1, crayon"bold")

##--- simple latex format for PrettyTables
const latex_simple2 = LatexTableFormat(
  top_line       = "\\toprule",
  header_line    = "\\midrule",
  mid_line       = "\\midrule",
  bottom_line    = "\\bottomrule",
  left_vline     = "|",
  mid_vline      = "|",
  right_vline    = "|",
  header_envs    = [],
  subheader_envs = []

## alupt()
## print vector or matrix with optional row and column names
## using PrettyTables with alternative simpler arguments
## defaults to table sandwitched between just top-bottom horizontal lines
## arguments:
## - row_names, col_names
## - fmt: <C printf format string, e.g. ".4f">
## - hlines, vlines: PrettyTables definitions
## - topleft: label for top-left corner
## - other args passed to PrettyTables
## note, good example for PrettyTables functionality

alupt(data::Number, kwargs...) = alupt(stdout, [data]; kwargs...)

alupt(data::AbstractVecOrMat; kwargs...) = alupt(stdout, data; kwargs...)

function alupt(::Type{String}, data::AbstractVecOrMat; kwargs...)
  io = IOBuffer()
  alupt(io, data; kwargs...)
  String( take!(io) )

function alupt(io::IO, data::AbstractVecOrMat; kwargs...)
  kwargs_dict = Dict{Symbol, Any}(kwargs)
  topleft = get(kwargs, :row_name_column_title, "")
  delete!(kwargs_dict, :row_name_column_title)
  topleft = get(kwargs, :topleft, topleft)
  delete!(kwargs_dict, :topleft)
  delete!(kwargs_dict, :noheader)
  header = []
  row_names = []

  if haskey(kwargs, :col_names)
    delete!(kwargs_dict, :col_names)
    header = kwargs[:col_names]
    !(header isa AbstractVector) && (header = [header])
  if haskey(kwargs, :row_names)
    delete!(kwargs_dict, :row_names)
    row_names = kwargs[:row_names]
    !(row_names isa AbstractVector) && (row_names = [row_names])
  if length(header) != 0 && length(row_names) != 0
    if length(header) == size(data, 2)+1
      topleft = header[begin]
      header = header[begin+1:end]
    if length(row_names) == size(data, 1)
      row_names = vcat(topleft, row_names)
    data = vcat(reshape(header, 1, length(header)), data)
    data = hcat(row_names, data)
  elseif length(header) != 0 && length(row_names) == 0
    if length(header) == (size(data, 2)-1)
      header = vcat(topleft, header)
    (data isa AbstractVector) && (data = reshape(data, 1, length(data)))
    data = vcat(reshape(header, 1, length(header)), data)
  elseif length(header) == 0 && length(row_names) != 0
    if length(row_names) == size(data, 1)-1
      row_names = vcat(topleft, row_names)
    data = hcat(row_names, data)
  hlines = get(kwargs, :hlines, Array{Symbol,1}([]) )
  delete!(kwargs_dict, :hlines)
  if hlines != :none
    !(hlines isa AbstractVector) && (hlines = [hlines])
    hlines = unique(vcat(hlines, [:begin, :end]) )

  vlines = get(kwargs, :vlines, Array{Symbol,1}([]) )
  delete!(kwargs_dict, :vlines)
  !(vlines isa AbstractVector) && (vlines = [vlines])
  highlighters = get(kwargs, :highlighters, tuple())
  !(highlighters isa Tuple) && (highlighters = (highlighters,) )
  delete!(kwargs_dict, :highlighters)
  if length(header) != 0 || get(kwargs, :auto_colnames, false) != false
    highlighters = (highlighters..., pt_hili_row1)
    if !isnothing(findfirst(x -> x == :header, hlines))
      hlines = filter(x -> x != :header, hlines)
      if size(data, 1) > 1
        hlines = vcat(hlines, 1)
  if length(row_names) != 0 || get(kwargs, :auto_rownames, false) != false
    highlighters = (highlighters..., pt_hili_col1)
    if !isnothing(findfirst(x -> x == :header, vlines))
      vlines = filter(x -> x != :header, vlines)
      if size(data, 2) > 1
        vlines = vcat(vlines, 1)
  push!(kwargs_dict, :highlighters => highlighters)
  push!(kwargs_dict, :hlines => hlines)
  push!(kwargs_dict, :vlines => vlines)
  formatters = get(kwargs, :formatters, tuple())
  delete!(kwargs_dict, :formatters)
  if haskey(kwargs, :fmt)
    formatters = (formatters..., pt_format(kwargs[:fmt]))
    delete!(kwargs_dict, :fmt)
  push!(kwargs_dict, :formatters => formatters)

  push!(kwargs_dict, :noheader => true)
  delete!(kwargs_dict, :auto_rownames)
  delete!(kwargs_dict, :auto_colnames)
  pretty_table(io, data; header=header, kwargs_dict...)
## aluptmatr()
## print matrix with no frills and default fmt
aluptmatr(matr; kwargs...) = aluptmatr(stdout, matr; kwargs...)

function aluptmatr(::Type{String}, matr; kwargs...)
  io = IOBuffer()
  aluptmatr(io, matr; kwargs...)
  return String(take!(io) )

function aluptmatr(io::IO, matr::AbstractVecOrMat; screenrow=132, screencol=132, topleft="", kwargs...)
  kwargs_dict = Dict{Symbol, Any}(kwargs)
  delete!(kwargs_dict, :screenrow)
  delete!(kwargs_dict, :screencol)
  delete!(kwargs_dict, :topleft)
  alupt(matr; fmt=".4f", topleft=topleft, display_size=(screenrow, screencol), kwargs_dict...)

function aluptmatr(io::IO, matr::DataFrame; kwargs...)
  aluptmatr(io, convert(Matrix, matr);  kwargs...)

## aluptmatrwr()
## print large matrix wrapping elements as specified
## in small blocks that can be read on a limited size screen
## maxcol: maximum number of columns printed horizontally
## maxrow: maximum number of rows printed vertically
aluptmatrwr(matr; kwargs...) = aluptmatrwr(stdout, matr; kwargs...)

function aluptmatrwr(::Type{String}, matr; kwargs...)
  io = IOBuffer()
  aluptmatrwr(io, matr; kwargs...)
  return String(take!(io) )

function aluptmatrwr(io::IO, matr;
    fmt=".4f", rowsep="\n", maxrow=11, maxcol=11, screenrow=132, screencol=132, topleft="",
    row_names::Array{String, 1}=Array{String,1}(), col_names::Array{String, 1}=Array{String,1}()
  print(io, join(alupt.(
        String, splitmatrix(matr, maxrow, maxcol, row_names=row_names, col_names=col_names, topleft=topleft),
        formatters = pt_format(fmt), display_size=(screenrow, screencol), tf=tf_borderless, hlines=:none),
## examples

## print vector
alupt(rand(4), fmt=".4f")

## print matrix
alupt(rand(4,4), fmt=".4f")

## print matrix
  rand(4, 4),
  fmt = ".4f",
  topleft = "example",
  row_names = "row_" .* ["a", "b", "c", "d"],
  col_names = "col_" .* ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
 0.7940  0.2468  0.0664  0.2760
 0.8541  0.5797  0.9568  0.6517
 0.2006  0.6489  0.6467  0.0566
 0.2986  0.0109  0.1125  0.8427
e[1m example e[0me[1m  col_a e[0me[1m  col_b e[0me[1m  col_c e[0me[1m  col_d e[0m
e[1m   row_a e[0m 0.9505  0.8212  0.1278  0.2469
e[1m   row_b e[0m 0.9647  0.0342  0.3742  0.0118
e[1m   row_c e[0m 0.9458  0.0945  0.9311  0.0460
e[1m   row_d e[0m 0.7899  0.3149  0.4389  0.4962
## example print large matrix
labels = vcat([s1*s2 for s1 in ["a", "b", "c", "d"], s2 in["1", "2", "3"]]...)
  rand(12, 12),
  maxcol = 8,
  maxrow = 8,
  topleft = "example",
  row_names = "row_" .* labels,
  col_names = "col_" .* labels
 example  col_a1  col_b1  col_c1  col_d1  col_a2  col_b2  col_c2  col_d2
  row_a1  0.7320  0.4050  0.6437  0.8273  0.4987  0.3866  0.9521  0.3542
  row_b1  0.2991  0.4995  0.4014  0.0993  0.0940  0.3306  0.7950  0.1329
  row_c1  0.4492  0.6588  0.5251  0.6343  0.5251  0.7480  0.4681  0.3008
  row_d1  0.8751  0.5156  0.6120  0.1327  0.2655  0.2656  0.0952  0.1945
  row_a2  0.0463  0.2607  0.4326  0.7752  0.1101  0.2911  0.7278  0.8837
  row_b2  0.6984  0.5955  0.0822  0.8692  0.8344  0.6126  0.9825  0.0678
  row_c2  0.3651  0.2925  0.1991  0.0396  0.6334  0.7058  0.4270  0.0288
  row_d2  0.3025  0.2886  0.5761  0.7904  0.3379  0.5084  0.4679  0.5646

 example  col_a3  col_b3  col_c3  col_d3
  row_a1  0.1463  0.2949  0.4699  0.3412
  row_b1  0.6471  0.6963  0.9940  0.5238
  row_c1  0.9985  0.3324  0.3558  0.6618
  row_d1  0.4954  0.4151  0.1651  0.8330
  row_a2  0.6543  0.6036  0.6826  0.4989
  row_b2  0.8349  0.0444  0.8066  0.9379
  row_c2  0.4157  0.9157  0.7080  0.9569
  row_d2  0.1828  0.3723  0.5154  0.6103

 example  col_a1  col_b1  col_c1  col_d1  col_a2  col_b2  col_c2  col_d2
  row_a3  0.3726  0.6182  0.2182  0.4312  0.1130  0.4726  0.8489  0.5989
  row_b3  0.1505  0.6643  0.3620  0.1377  0.7830  0.6126  0.5586  0.3037
  row_c3  0.1473  0.7535  0.2047  0.6081  0.8380  0.1926  0.8074  0.5007
  row_d3  0.2834  0.0369  0.9330  0.2551  0.0879  0.8511  0.0134  0.4100

 example  col_a3  col_b3  col_c3  col_d3
  row_a3  0.8365  0.1130  0.6086  0.0296
  row_b3  0.4383  0.6702  0.8880  0.6854
  row_c3  0.6900  0.1405  0.4948  0.6771
  row_d3  0.3723  0.0813  0.0895  0.6958
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Is there a way to pretty print all the rows in an array that has more rows than can fit on the screen? I tried various keyword arguments that seemed like plausible ways to do this but nothing worked. Any rows that would have flowed off the bottom of the screen were removed.

Hi @alusiani !

Awesome! Thanks for the information:)

Hi @brianguenter !

Is the option crop = :horizontal what you are looking for?

Fiddling around a bit with that and the idea to combine PrettyTables with TerminalPager (also by @Ronis_BR :+1: ) I found the following solution, but it’s a bit painful, because I needed a third package.

Anyways I show you and perhaps there is a easier, more straight forward way to do it:

julia> using Suppressor, PrettyTables, TerminalPager

julia> df=rand(100,100);

julia> ( @capture_out pretty_table(stdout,df) ) |> pager

If pretty_table could be told to return the pretty table as a string it would be much easier.

Hi @oheil !

You can return a string using pretty_table(String, rand(100, 100)).

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Great, which makes:

julia> using PrettyTables, TerminalPager

julia> df=rand(100,100);

julia> pretty_table(String,df) |> pager

Very satisfying (except that I missed the obvious) :wink:

1 Like

actually that leads to an improvement of the help string, which you get when

help?> pretty_table

What you get is quite long, and the (in my case) beginner information is scrolled far away.
Adding, for example, some usage examples at the end of the doc string, would help, I guess, for the most use cases, without the need to scroll to the top.

Yeah, the help string for pretty_table is quite long. If I add examples at the end, you would still need to scroll a lot because there are too many options. That’s one of the reasons why I created TerminalPager.jl. Using it, you can type |? to go to the help pager mode, and then you get a good experience navigating through the help as if you were using Linux less command.


Genius! :+1: :wink:

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Thanks! :slight_smile: I hope it will be useful for you.

Base’s β€œExtended help” functionality might also be worth a look:

julia> """

       # Extended help
       f(x) = x

help?> f
search: f fd for fma fld fld1 fill fdio frexp foldr foldl flush floor float first fill! fetch fldmod filter falses finally

  foo bar


Extended help is available with `??`

help?> ?f
search: f fd for fma fld fld1 fill fdio frexp foldr foldl flush floor float first fill! fetch fldmod filter falses finally

  foo bar

  Extended help


I agree, we might be able to organize better the help of the function pretty_table.