[ANN] PkgTemplates 0.7

Hello friends, if you’ve been watching PkgTemplates development at all you may know that it hasn’t had a new release in a very long time. The package has basically been rewritten from the ground up, and getting things stable took some time. But it’s finally been done, and PkgTemplates 0.7 should be registered within the hour.

If you tend to not mess with the keywords often, you shouldn’t encounter any breakages besides a few deprecations. But if you try to customize something and find that a keyword is no longer applicable or something, I would recommend checking out the migration guide.

The user guide is also a good resource to figure out what’s available to you.

Please give it a try and make sure to report any bugs that you find!


I was wondering about this today, but YAY!!!

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Thanks for this work. I have been using PkgTemplates for a long time, and I should say it is just stunning.