NestedTerms.jl is a concept package for correct nested terms fitting .
import Pkg
Pkg.add(url = "")
using NestedTerms
using StatsModels, CSV, DataFrames, CategoricalArrays
rds = CSV.File(joinpath(dirname(pathof(NestedTerms)), "..", "test", "csv", "rds12x2.csv")) |> DataFrame # DataFrame with nested factor Subject(Sequence)
transform!(rds, :Sequence => categorical, renamecols=false)
transform!(rds, :Subject => categorical, renamecols=false)
# Nested term exploit function term in @formula macros
formula = @formula(Var ~ (Subject in Sequence))
# Replace FunctionTerm to NestedTerm
formula = NestedTerms.process_nt(formula)
# Make schema and apply_schema
sch = schema(formula, rds)
as = apply_schema(formula, sch) $ upper level factor not added to the formula (but it shoud be there)
# Get model matrix for nested term
rmf, lmf = modelcols(as, rds)
Unsolvable problems
Can’t get real coefnames
and levels
until modelcols
not called. apply_schema
not able to modify NestedTerm because have no appropriate information.
Is any way to workaround to get information about data or one more modification should be added after apply_schema(formula, sch)