[ANN] MetopDatasets.jl: A package to read native data from the METOP satellites

MetopDataset v0.1 is now registered

MetopDatasets.jl is a package for reading products from the METOP satellites using the native binary format specified for each product. The METOP satellites are part of the EUMETSAT-POLAR-SYSTEM (EPS) and have produced near real-time, global weather and climate observation since 2007. Learn more METOP and the data access on EUMETSATs user-portal.

MetopDatasets.jl exports the MetopDataset API which is an implementation of the CommonDataModel.jl interface and thus provides data access similar to e.g. NCDatasets.jl and GRIBDatasets.jl.

Supported formats in v0.1

v0.1 supports all publicly available IASI and ASCAT products in the native binary format. The formats of other METOP instruments will be added in future releases.