ANN: MaxMinFilters.jl - fast streaming maximum / minimum within moving window

Here is a minimal example of running mean, the same applies to higher order stats:

using Statistics

function runmean1(x::Vector{T}, n::Int64=10)::Vector{T} where {T<:Real}
    len = size(x,1)
    @assert n<len && n>1 "Argument n is out of bounds."
    out = zeros(len - n + 1)
    @inbounds for i = n:len
        out[i-n+1] = mean(view(x, i-n+1:i))
    return out

function runmean2(x::Vector{T}, n::Int64=10)::Vector{T} where {T<:Real}
    len = size(x,1)
    @assert n<len && n>1 "Argument n is out of bounds."
    out = zeros(len - n + 1)
    sum::T = 0
    @inbounds for i = 1:n
        sum += x[i]
    out[1] = sum / n
    @inbounds for i = n+1:size(x,1)
        sum += x[i] - x[i-n] # sum = previous sum - old point + new point
        out[i-n+1] = sum / n
    return out

x = randn(1000000)
w = 100
@time m1 = runmean1(x, w)
@time m2 = runmean2(x, w)
m1 ≈ m2

For nan-stable version you can see my last PR to Indicators.jl: