[ANN] L1TrendFiltering.jl: Imprementation of l1 Trend Filtering


In this week, I noticed there is no l1 trend filtering package in julia. I’m happy to share this package. You can test julia l1tf function as following:

using L1TrendFiltering
using Plots, CSV, DataFrames

y = snp500
result = l1tf(y, 50, verbose = true)
x = result.x

plot(ylabel = "log(price)")
plot!(y, label = "S&P500")
plot!(x, label = "l1tf")

▲ original matlab version

▲ L1TrendFiltering.jl


Does this package produce similar results?

It is hard to tell as the last update of the L1AdaptiveTrendFilter.jl package was in January 2017, that is, at the time the version of Julia was 0.5.

Is it supposed to be hard to run old Julia code?