ANN: Knet 1.4.0: accelerating CuArrays

To be clear, AlphaZero.jl is not faster than Leela Zero.

As I explain in the documentation, the aim of AlphaZero.jl is not to compete with hyper-specialized and hyper-optimized implementations such as LC0 or ELF OpenGO. These implementations are written in C++ with custom CUDA kernels and they are optimized for highly distributed computing environments. They are also very complex and therefore pretty inaccessible to students and researchers.

The philosophy of AlphaZero.jl is to provide an implementation of AlphaZero that is simple enough to be widely accessible for students and researchers, while also being sufficiently powerful and fast to enable meaningful experiments on limited computing resources. It has the simplicity of the many existing python implementations, while being consistently between one and two orders of magnitude faster.

If you find AlphaZero.jl interesting, you may be interested in the corresponding Discourse thread.

So far, I haven’t tested AlphaZero.jl on complex games such as Chess or Go. Doing well here would probably require a community effort to get enough computation power indeed. I’ve already seen a lot of interest in doing so and therefore I may publish a call to contributions soon. :wink: