[ANN] JMPReader.jl - Reader for JMP files in Julia

Announcing JMPReader.jl, a reader for files saved by JMP, commercial statistical software.

Do you have a .jmp file and one or more of the following applies to you?

  • You don’t have a JMP license
  • You’re not running Windows or Mac
  • You prefer data analysis and visualizaton in Julia

If so, JMPReader.jl could be the solution for you. This package is an independent implementation of a reader for JMP files, written in Julia.

Usage is simple:

using JMPReader
df = readjmp("mydata.jmp")

I was able to read about 1000 JMP files that I had access to. If you encounter a file that causes the reader to choke, please open an issue.


Wow! That’s pretty amazing. I’m not aware of a parser of JMP files for python or R. Looking forward to testing!

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This works very well.
Tested with a 39 MB file of size (344832, 11).
It was read in less than 50 ms:

julia> @time l1 = readjmp("TSA_jmp_example.jmp")
  0.044215 seconds (718 allocations: 85.876 MiB)
344832×11 DataFrame