[ANN] IndexFunArrays.jl - Fun with indices (and functions on them)


we recently created IndexFunArrays.jl.

You can try it with:

julia> ] add IndexFunArrays

Initially we wanted a tool calculating output arrays using the index position. For that purpose we created a IndexFunArray (with size independent constant memory allocation) which calculates the value once accessed with getindex. It needs an index function and a output size:

julia> z = IndexFunArray(x -> sum(abs2.(x)), (3, 3))   # directly using the constructor and supplying a function to store in the array
  3Ă—3 IndexFunArray{Int64, 2, var"#184#185"}:
    2   5  10
    5   8  13
   10  13  18

julia> typeof(z) <: AbstractArray

julia> z[3,3] # use it like a normal array which then calculates the value

For convenience we already created several distance related wrapper and some window functions:

julia> rr2((4, 4))
4Ă—4 IndexFunArray{Float64, 2, IndexFunArrays.var"#4#5"{Float64, Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Tuple{Int64, Int64}}}:
 8.0  5.0  4.0  5.0
 5.0  2.0  1.0  2.0
 4.0  1.0  0.0  1.0
 5.0  2.0  1.0  2.0

julia> rr2((3,3), offset=CtrCorner)
  3Ă—3 IndexFunArray{Float64, 2, IndexFunArrays.var"#4#5"{Float64, Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Tuple{Int64, Int64}}}:
   0.0  1.0  4.0
   1.0  2.0  5.0
   4.0  5.0  8.0

julia> rr2((3,3), offset=(4,4))
3Ă—3 IndexFunArray{Float64, 2, IndexFunArrays.var"#4#5"{Float64, Tuple{Int64, Int64}, Tuple{Int64, Int64}}}:
 18.0  13.0  10.0
 13.0   8.0   5.0
 10.0   5.0   2.0

The package works with other packages like LazyArrays or CUDA.
We were curious if there isn’t something similar already? Maybe some of you know more about.

We would be happy about feedback!





If #37648 gets merged you could do the following in plain Julia:

julia> z = (sum(abs2.((i,j))) for i in 1:3, j in 1:3);

julia> z[3,3]


julia> z = (sum(abs2.(Tuple(x))) for x in CartesianIndices((3, 3)));

julia> z[3,3]

That’s cool and would it have been present, we probably didn’t start this package :sweat_smile:

But the important part for us are the convenient wrappers. We might remove the IndexFunArray and switch to the built-in one in the future.

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Thanks for sharing.
Wondering if using the map function and CartesianIndices one couldn’t do some of this nice stuff?

For instance, your first example could be done as:

ix(n,m) = map(i-> [i[1],i[2]], CartesianIndices((1:n,1:m)))

map( x -> sum(abs2.(x)), ix(3,3) )

3Ă—3 Matrix{Int64}:
  2   5  10
  5   8  13
 10  13  18
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Yes, but mapping allocates memory.
One then could use MappedArrays.jl but which does need an beforehand allocated array as input (which IndexFunArray does not need).

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Accidentally converted this to a PM on mobile, sorry about that!


Cool package. I was reading over the src code and have a quick question: The definition

struct IndexFunArray{T, N, F} <: AbstractArray{T, N} where {F}

is parametrized by types T, N, F so shouldn’t it be where {T, N, F} at the end of the line?

Another question I had was that the some functions have a signature where the argument is IndexFunArray{T,N}, e.g.

Base.getindex(A::IndexFunArray{T,N}, I::Vararg{Int, N}) where {T,N} = return A.generator(I)

but isn’t the object actually IndexFunArray{T,N,F} so how come multiple dispatch gets it correct?


That’s I good question I don’t know either.

But we can try the following:

julia> struct Foo{T, N, F} <: AbstractArray{T, N} where {T, N, F}
ERROR: invalid subtyping in definition of Foo
 [1] top-level scope
   @ REPL[1]:1

julia> struct Foo{T, N, F} <: AbstractArray{T, N} where {F}

So the first one is not possible. My interpretation would be that the T,N are already fixed by the AbtractArray{T, N} and therefore are not free anymore.
In the documentation I could find this part about Free variables.

And regarding the second one:

julia> AbstractArray{Int}
AbstractArray{Int64, N} where N

julia> IndexFunArray{Int}
IndexFunArray{Int64, N, F} where F where N

julia> IndexFunArray{Int} == IndexFunArray{Int64, N, F} where F where N

julia> IndexFunArray{Int} === IndexFunArray{Int64, N, F} where F where N

So the notation without the trailing types might be a syntactic sugar for the full notation?

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You’re essentially right about both things :slight_smile:

Having said that, let me add that, in some sense, struct signatures differ from function signatures here a bit

julia> struct MyStruct{C<:AbstractArray{T}} where T end
ERROR: syntax: invalid type signature around REPL[4]:1
 [1] top-level scope at REPL[4]:1

julia> f(x::AbstractArray{T}) where T = "whatever" # works
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> struct MyStruct{C<:AbstractArray{T} where T} end # works

julia> struct MyStruct{T, C<:AbstractArray{T}} end # works
julia> struct MyStruct{T<:Real} end # does what you want

julia> struct MyStruct{T} where {T<:Real} end # doesn't work
ERROR: syntax: invalid type signature around REPL[3]:1
 [1] top-level scope at REPL[3]:1

julia> struct MyStruct{T} <: Any where {T<:Real} end # doesn't do what you want

julia> MyStruct{ComplexF64}

Interesting :smiley:


@roflmaostc, thanks for the explanation, it is clear.
Your code is very clever and too advanced for my current level but it is impressive to see that the output views not only do not allocate but their computing time does not depend on n in the example below?! How come? Thanks in advance for shedding some light.

PS: I have compared it against a simple solution that broadcasts over CartesianIndices but that runs out of computer memory for large arrays. Any expert advice that may improve this situation would be appreciated too.

using IndexFunArrays, BenchmarkTools

fci(f,n,m) = f.(Tuple.(CartesianIndices((1:n,1:m)))) #broadcasting over CartesianIndices

f(x) = sum(abs2.(x))

n = 3; m = 3;
@btime fci($f,$n,$m)  # 203.833 ns (3 allocations: 256 bytes)
@btime IndexFunArray(f, ($n, $m)) # 76.386 ns (2 allocations: 64 bytes)

n = 10_000_000; m = 10_000_000;
@btime fci($f,$n,$m)  # ERROR: OutOfMemoryError()
@btime IndexFunArray(f, ($n, $m)) # 79.257 ns (2 allocations: 64 bytes)
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You run out of memory because your allocated array with CartesianIndices has (10_000_000)^2 entries.

Our object is an array in some sense. When you use arr[2, 4] with a normal array, it fetches the entry from the memory. But with the IndexFunArray we really overwrite the arr[2, 4] to not fetch the value from the memory but instead calculate it when accessed (from the generator function and the indices [2,4]). So we do not allocate memory beforehand.

Here you can see that getindex calculate the entry value from the index position I:

Base.getindex(A::IndexFunArray{T,N}, I::Vararg{Int, N}) where {T,N} = return A.generator(I)

Maybe this minimal example helps. The documentation for defining own array types is here. Below an array returning 0 or 42 randomly. It can be of arbitrary size:

julia> struct RandArray{T, N} <: AbstractArray{T, N}
           size::NTuple{N, Int}

julia> Base.getindex(A::RandArray{T,N}, I::Vararg{Int, N}) where {T,N} = rand((0, 42))

julia> Base.size(A::RandArray) = A.size

julia> x = RandArray{Int, 2}((1000000000000, 1000000000000));

julia> x[1,1]

julia> x[1,1]

julia> x[1,2]
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This seems equivalent to

julia> z = mappedarray(x -> sum(abs2.(Tuple(x))), CartesianIndices((3,3)))
3Ă—3 mappedarray(var"#3#4"(), ::CartesianIndices{2,Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64},Base.OneTo{Int64}}}) with eltype Int64:
  2   5  10
  5   8  13
 10  13  18

julia> z[3,3]

If you want similar syntax to your IndexFunArray, you could define:

indexfunarray(f, dims) = mappedarray(x -> f(Tuple(x)), CartesianIndices(dims))

CartesianIndices is like a range object—it doesn’t allocate.


That makes totally sense, thanks for pointing that out!

We probably fix that in the future and get rid of IndexFunArray type completely :slight_smile:

Another similar package is KernelMatrices.jl. Not exactly the same, because it’s really designed for passing in something like pts::Vector{SVector{D,T}} and then working lazily with arrays A[j,k] = K(pts[j], pts[k], ...) in an efficient way. So not O(1) allocations like it looks like this is designed for, but certainly similar. As a disclaimer, this is my project.


@stevengj, your solution seems to be even faster. What is the right way to benchmark it?

PS: tried it below but the @btime result does not make sense to me (too many floating point operations in no time)…

using BenchmarkTools

n = 10_000_000; m = 10_000_000;

using IndexFunArrays
@btime IndexFunArray($f, ($n, $m)) # 76.36 ns (2 allocations: 64 bytes)

# solution by @stevengj :
using MappedArrays
indexfunarray(f, dims) = mappedarray(x -> f(Tuple(x)), CartesianIndices(dims))

@btime indexfunarray($f, ($n,$m))  # 0.001 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

The reason is, that you call a wrapper to create the IndexFunArray.
If you remove that wrapper, IndexFunArray has roughly the same.

@rafael.guerra keep in mind, that you don’t calculate anything yet. You just store the information how you can calculate it when accessing it via getindex or [1,2].

You probably want to check something like sin.(indexfunarray($f, ($n,$m)) which then really operates on all array elements, but performance is roughly the same for both methods since they do roughly the same. (in your case, the arrays are way too large to calculate and allocate sin.(...) explicitly)


@roflmaostc, thanks a lot for the explanation, which together with the MappedArrays.jl ReadMe file, helped me understand this a bit better.
The fact that some mapped array values are displayed in the terminal for QC, made me believe that all values were computed, which is not the case.

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