GeoStats.jl v0.60
A few quality of life updates and speedups:
- New
sideof(point, ring)
andpoint ∈ poly
with Hao et al. algorithm, which we implemented with multiple-threads. Speedup of ~12x. The algorithm is quite robust, and can handle all sorts of degenerate cases in 2D polygonal areas:
using GeoStats
import GLMakie as Mke
r = rand(Ring{2})
b = boundingbox(r)
g = CartesianGrid(minimum(b), maximum(b), dims=(300,300))
ps = (centroid(g, i) for i in 1:nelements(g))
ss = sideof(ps, r)
viz!(g, color = ss .== IN, alpha = 0.5)
s can now be explored in the VSCode viewer:
- GeoJSON files are now loaded with native Julia CRS: