[ANN] GeoIO.jl - Load/save geospatial data in Julia

GeoIO.jl uses various backend packages spread across different Julia organizations to load a universal representation of geospatial data as discussed in the book Geospatial Data Science with Julia.

The current list of supported formats can be obtained with:

julia> using GeoIO

julia> GeoIO.formats()
│ extension │     load      │     save      │
│ .geojson  │  GeoJSON.jl   │  GeoJSON.jl   │
│   .gpkg   │  ArchGDAL.jl  │  ArchGDAL.jl  │
│  .gslib   │  GslibIO.jl   │  GslibIO.jl   │
│   .jpeg   │  ImageIO.jl   │  ImageIO.jl   │
│   .jpg    │  ImageIO.jl   │  ImageIO.jl   │
│   .kml    │  ArchGDAL.jl  │               │
│ .parquet  │ GeoParquet.jl │ GeoParquet.jl │
│   .ply    │   PlyIO.jl    │               │
│   .png    │  ImageIO.jl   │  ImageIO.jl   │
│   .shp    │ Shapefile.jl  │ Shapefile.jl  │
│   .tif    │  ImageIO.jl   │  ImageIO.jl   │
│   .tiff   │  ImageIO.jl   │  ImageIO.jl   │
│   .vtp    │  ReadVTK.jl   │               │
│   .vtu    │  ReadVTK.jl   │               │

Many other formats are being added. If you would like to help, check the list here.

If you are good at reducing pre-compilation time of Julia packages, we highly appreciate your help here.


GeoIO.jl v1.4.0

Added support to load/save all non-parallel VTK formats with ReadVTK.jl and WriteVTK.jl: .vtu, .vtp, .vts, .vtr, .vti

Needs more testing, but the release is out.


GeoIO.jl v1.8.0

Added support to load/save STL files with triangle meshes and NetCDF and GRIB files with NCDatasets.jl and GRIBDatasets.jl


GeoIO.jl v1.12

Added support to load/save OBJ, OFF and MSH files with unstructured meshes, and GeoTIFF with lazy transformed grids.