[ANN] Dash.jl v1.1.0 released

Hi all!
Dash.jl version 1.1.0 is released

Starting from version 1.0.0, the main components (DashCoreComponents, DashHtmlComponents, DashTable) are integrated into the main package, so the user no longer needs to add it to the environment and specify in using. It is simple enough to do using Dash to use the main components.

In version 1.1.0:

  • The package for working with json was changed from JSON2 to JSON3
  • Favicon functionality: if the favicon.ico is in the assets folder, then it is used, otherwise the standard dash icon is used
  • Circular Callbacks (callback!(app, Output("a", "value"), Output("b", "value"), Input("a", "value"), Input("b", "value"))...) are now works
  • Added helper functions for sending data to the dcc_download :
    dcc_send_file(path::AbstractString, filename = nothing; type = nothing)
Convert a file into the format expected by the Download component.

    dcc_send_bytes(src::AbstractVector{UInt8}, filename; type = nothing)
    dcc_send_bytes(writer::Function, data, filename; type = nothing)
Convert vector of bytes into the format expected by the Download component.
`writer` function must have signature `(io::IO, data)`

    dcc_send_string(src::AbstractString, filename; type = nothing)
    dcc_send_string(writer::Function, data, filename; type = nothing)
Convert string into the format expected by the Download component.
`writer` function must have signature `(io::IO, data)`