[ANN] Announcing Quantica.jl

After a long incubation time I’m happy to announce v1.0 of Quantica.jl, now registered.

This package is a tool for physicists, mostly those interested in condensed matter and material science. It provides a terse API to build tight-binding Hamiltonians of crystals or mesoscopic structures, and to compute interesting stuff from them. Examples include bandstructures, Green functions, multi-terminal conductances, critical currents, and so on.

Apart from complete docstrings, we have a tutorial to get up to speed more easily

Here are some pretty pictures (thanks Makie.jl, we weak-depend on you!) to celebrate.

Lattice and bandstructure of a Kane-Mele model in graphene

julia> using Quantica, GLMakie, ProgressMeter

julia> SOC(dr) = ifelse(iseven(round(Int, atan(dr[2], dr[1])/(pi/3))), im, -im); # Kane-Mele spin-orbit coupling

julia> model = hopping(1, range = 1/√3) + @hopping((r, dr; α = 0) -> α * SOC(dr); sublats = :A => :A, range = 1) - @hopping((r, dr; α = 0) -> α * SOC(dr); sublats = :B => :B, range = 1);

julia> h = LatticePresets.honeycomb(a0 = 1) |> hamiltonian(model)
ParametricHamiltonian{Float64,2,2}: Parametric Hamiltonian on a 2D Lattice in 2D space
  Bloch harmonics  : 7
  Harmonic size    : 2 × 2
  Orbitals         : [1, 1]
  Element type     : scalar (ComplexF64)
  Onsites          : 0
  Hoppings         : 18
  Coordination     : 9.0
  Parameters       : [:α]

julia> qplot(h(α = 0.02), inspector = true)

julia> b = bands(h(α = 0.05), range(0, 2pi, length=60), range(0, 2pi, length = 60))
Bandstructure{Float64,3,2}: 3D Bandstructure over a 2-dimensional parameter space of type Float64
  Subbands  : 2
  Vertices  : 7200
  Edges     : 21122
  Simplices : 13924

julia> qplot(b, color = (psi, e, k) -> angle(psi[1] / psi[2]), colormap = :cyclic_mrybm_35_75_c68_n256, hide = :wireframe)

Fermi surface of a simple 3D cubic lattice

julia> pts = subdiv(0, 2π, 41); b = LP.cubic() |> hopping(1) |> bands(pts, pts, pts)
Bandstructure{Float64,4,3}: 4D Bandstructure over a 3-dimensional parameter space of type Float64
  Subbands  : 1
  Vertices  : 68921
  Edges     : 462520
  Simplices : 384000

julia> qplot(b[(:, :, :, 0.2)], hide = (:nodes, :wireframe))

Local density of states (LDOS) of a star-shaped mesoscopic cavity

julia> h = LP.square() |> onsite(4) - hopping(1) |> supercell(region = r -> norm(r) < 40*(1+0.2*cos(5*atan(r[2],r[1]))));

julia> g = h|> greenfunction;

julia> ρ = ldos(g(0.1 + 0.001im))
LocalSpectralDensitySolution{Float64} : local density of states at fixed energy and arbitrary location
  kernel   : LinearAlgebra.UniformScaling{Bool}(true)

julia> qplot(h, hide = :hops, sitecolor = ρ, siteradius = ρ, minmaxsiteradius = (0, 2), sitecolormap = :balance)

Four-terminal Green function and conductance

julia> hcentral = LP.square() |> hopping(-1) |> supercell(region = RP.circle(100) | RP.rectangle((202, 50)) | RP.rectangle((50, 202)))

julia> glead = LP.square() |> hopping(-1) |> supercell((1, 0), region = r -> abs(r[2]) <= 50/2) |> greenfunction(GS.Schur(boundary = 0));

julia> Rot = r -> SA[0 -1; 1 0] * r;  # 90º rotation function

julia> g = hcentral |>
           attach(glead, region = r -> r[1] ==  101) |>
           attach(glead, region = r -> r[1] == -101, reverse = true) |>
           attach(glead, region = r -> r[2] ==  101, transform = Rot) |>
           attach(glead, region = r -> r[2] == -101, reverse = true, transform = Rot) |>

julia> gx1 = sum(abs2, g(-3.96)[siteselector(), 1], dims = 2);

julia> qplot(hcentral, hide = :hops, siteoutline = 1, sitecolor = (i, r) -> gx1[i], siteradius = (i, r) -> gx1[i], minmaxsiteradius = (0, 2), sitecolormap = :balance)

julia> G₁₁ = conductance(g[1,1])
Conductance{Float64}: Zero-temperature conductance dIᵢ/dVⱼ from contacts i,j, in units of e^2/h
  Current contact  : 1
  Bias contact     : 1

julia> ωs = subdiv(-4, 4, 201); Gω = @showprogress [G₁₁(ω) for ω in ωs];
Progress: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:01:01

julia> f = Figure(); a = Axis(f[1,1], xlabel = "eV/t", ylabel = "G [e²/h]"); lines!(a, ωs, Gω); f


Amazing, this brings me back all the way to my PhD days were I was using Python’s Kwant (calling it from Julia)! Congratulations on the release! How much of Kwant’s capabilities does Quantica.jl implement? It appears they have similar target applications at least.

I was doing Landauer-Buttiker approach connecting leads to graphene microstructures and getting the scattering wavefunctions at each point on the lattice.


Hey George, yes, Quantica’s scope and capabilities are rather similar to Kwant (although I haven’t used Kwant myself, to be honest). As far as I understand the approach is rather different, however, since Kwant is focused on 1D leads coupled to central systems (right?), while Quantica can mix systems of any dimensionality and use a variety of solvers for each part. Quantica is based on Green’s functions as the central object of interest, instead of Kwant’s scattering approach (although there is a mapping between the two, of course).


This is very cool! I’m excited whenever I see a new physics simulation package. I will be trying this to simulate some monolayer materials our group is using.

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That’s great @garrek. We are very much invested in developing Quantica further. Do let us know if you find any issue or lacking functionality. Bug reports are very welcome!


Here is a recorded demo of Quantica.jl v1.0 with a more detailed walkthrough of features. It is a zoom presentation for the Quantum Tinkerer group (developers of Python’s kwant). They kindly game me permission to share it.