I have a big simulation loop resulting in a graphplot for each timestep. I store each of those plots in an array. Ultimately, I’d like to animate over all entries in this array. The minimal working example looks somehow like this:
using GraphPlot
gplotvec = Array{Any}(nothing, 100)
for i in 1:100
g = graphfamous("karate")
gplotvec[i] = gplot(g)
return gplotvec
I tried different things like initializing an animation object and storing each element of the array in a frame of the animation object - doesn’t work. The problem could be that the array elements are of type context rather than type plot(?).
Hi. I can’t help you with GraphPlot, sorry. But I can show you how I make animated graphs using Karnak.jl.
Using your setup of creating a vector of graphs, each of the 20 frames shows one of the graphs and NetworkLayout.jl’s stress algorithm coping well enough, most of the time.
code for gif
using Graphs
using Karnak
nG = 20
gplotvec = Graph[]
for i in 1:nG
push!(gplotvec, grid([i, i + 1]))
cols = Luxor.Colors.JULIA_LOGO_COLORS
function frame(scene, framenumber)
vertexfillcolors = (v) -> cols[mod1(v, end)],
vertexshapesizes = 6,
text(string(framenumber), boxtopleft() * 0.9)
movie = Movie(800, 500, "dots")
animate(movie, [Scene(movie, frame, 1:nG)],
There’s plenty of documentation, and feel free to open an issue on github if it’s not enough.
Alternatively, you can investigate GraphMakie.jl, which I’d guess ties into Makie’s animation system.