Animating a graph changing edge colors

Hi there,

I want to animate some simple graphs with changing colors in their edges. I thought it would be simple but I am definitely not a Julia expert and I am a bit stuck.

I tried animating just the color of a single edge, with the following code:

using Graphs
using GraphPlot
using Plots
using Random

# Graph
G = Graph(5);
add_edge!(G, 1, 2);
add_edge!(G, 2, 3);
add_edge!(G, 1, 3);
add_edge!(G, 1, 4);
add_edge!(G, 4, 5);
add_edge!(G, 1, 5);

# Node positions
X = [1.0,0.0,0.0,2.0,2.0]
Y = [0.5,0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0]

# Colormap and color per iteration
cmap = range(HSL(colorant"blue"), stop=HSL(colorant"yellow"), length=360)
colorlist = rand(100) * 360

anim = Animation()
for i ∈ 1:100
    ## Get edge color at this instant
    color = cmap[Int(round(colorlist[i]))]
    edgecolor=["#389826","#CB3C33","#9558B4","#2458B2","#9558B2", color]

    plt = gplot(G, X,Y, nodelabel=1:5, NODESIZE=0.05, EDGELINEWIDTH=2, nodefillc=colorant"grey", edgestrokec=edgecolor)
    frame(anim, plt)



The error I get is MethodError: no method matching frame(::Animation, ::Compose.Context), which I am not sure how to interpret nor fix… Any help is appreciated, thanks.

Your code does not generate the animation because it works with plt=Plots.plot(), but in your case plt=gplot() is of type Context.
To get it work you should install three (small) packages, Compose.jl, Cairo.jl and Fontconfig.jl, all three being necessary to transform each graph plot into a png file, with the function Compose.PNG:

using Graphs
using GraphPlot, Compose, Cairo, Fontconfig
using Random, Plots

    G = Graph(5);
    edges =[(1,2), (2, 3), (1, 3), (1, 4), (4, 5), (1, 5)]
    for e in edges
       add_edge!(G, e)
    X = [1.0,0.0,0.0,2.0,2.0]
    Y = [0.5,0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0]
    cmap = range(HSL(colorant"blue"), stop=HSL(colorant"yellow"), length=360)
    colorlist = rand(100) * 360

    for i=1:30
        color = cmap[Int(round(colorlist[i]))]
        edgecolor=["#389826","#CB3C33","#9558B4","#2458B2","#9558B2", color]
        plt= gplot(G, X,Y, nodelabel=1:5, NODESIZE=0.05, EDGELINEWIDTH=2,
                   nodefillc=colorant"grey", edgestrokec=edgecolor) 
        filename = joinpath(anim.dir, lpad(i, 6, "0")*".png")
        push!(fname, filename)
        draw(PNG(filename), plt)
    anim = Animation(anim.dir, fname);
    Plots.buildanimation(anim, "anim-graph.gif", fps = 12, show_msg=false)

Or you could consider using GraphMakie.jl which builds on Makie.jl and which has an example for this in the docs.

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Thank you very much! One last thing if you don’t mind, why is it that the resulting animation is a bit “rough”? I tried increasing the dpi in PNG(), and the individual images saved in /tmp/ look smoother but the animation is still rough…

Here is the gif file I got with the above code. Does yours look more pixelated?

No, it looks exactly like this, but as you can see the borders look kinda clunky, unlike in the static plot with gplot…

Try to reduce the edge thickness.

might be GIF antialiasing … a black background might help