I recently switched from MATLAB to Julia, and I do not know a lot of stuff about plotting in Julia. It is a really simple problem yet unclear to me: I need to build a 3d animation out of a set of data points. For instance, I have an array set with coordinates from 3d points, plus an array with sets of displacements associated to these points, let’s say 50 sets of displacements… I need to do an amination with each frame being the original coordinates + a set of displacements. I also need to connect these points two by two (lines) in each frame. I’d appreciate if anybody could help me out.
Thank you! This works fine here. I’ve been trying to use Pltots.jl, so I don’t need to import lots of packages into my modules. But this works just fine.
Yes! I’m getting a bit familiar with this macro, even though I can’t find much about it on this documentation. This macro seems to have a lot of features, but they are not quite explored, I guess. Quick question: how do I save the gif to a specific folder? I’m having a hard time trying to get it from the default location. Thanks in advance.