Animate Plot with Many Frames Quickly with Makie

Oh, this seems to be a pretty big regression…

N = 1000
r = [(rand(5000, 2) .- 0.5) .* 25 for i = 1:N]
scene = scatter(r[1][:, 1], r[1][:, 2], markersize = 1, limits = FRect(-25/2, -25/2, 25, 25))
s = scene[end] # last plot in scene
GLMakie.WINDOW_CONFIG.vsync[] = false
record(scene, "test.gif", r) do m
    s[1] = m[:, 1]
    s[2] = m[:, 2]

Is there a similar option to turn the display off with Makie ?

That wouldn’t make a difference with GLMakie.

Btw, you should best use an array of points!

N = 1000
r = [(rand(Point2f0, 5000) .- 0.5) .* 25 for i = 1:N]
scene = scatter(r[1], markersize = 1, limits = FRect(-25/2, -25/2, 25, 25))
s = scene[end] # last plot in scene
record(scene, "output.mp4", r) do m
    s[1] = m