An internal Julia plotting package?

The point, @marianoarnaiz, is that from my perspective your description is exactly what I want to achieve with GMT.jl. For example your subplot example is obtainable with something around (sorry, maybe later I can come with a clear working example)

    plot(x1,y1, marker=:circ, linewidth=0.5)
    plot!(x2,y2, marker=:star, mc=:red)
    pcolor(..., panel=(2,2))                 # EXCEPT THAT pcolor is not a GMT.jl module

But subplot is a harder target since there are so many things we may want to do/tune in a subplot figure and at same time make it simple to use. Matlab just choose awful bad defaults that everybody complains about (e.g. this ML package called “Plot it,…but plot it well! (MATLAB)”)

Anyway have a look at this subplot toy example.

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