I love the progress we’re making.
To summarize, the current proposal is an infix operator --
(“dash”) defined as
--(obj, meth) = (args...; kwargs...) -> meth(obj, args...; kwargs...)
which has tighter binding than function calls, and has right-associativity.
We have found that this operator will satisfy the desire to chain operations on an object threaded as a first argument through a sequence of methods,
my_object--meth1(args1...)--meth2(args2...)--meth3(args3...) ==
meth3(meth2(meth1(my_object, args1...), args2...), args3...)
And, as a happy surprise, it also works well for chaining functions whose first argument is a function
[1,2,3]--iseven--filter()--sqrt--map() ==
map(sqrt, filter(iseven, [1,2,3]))
This is a much better operator than expected.
Oh, and as a weird bonus, you can also evaluate expressions in Reverse Polish Notation:
3 -- 4 -- -() -- 5 -- +() == 5 + (4 - 3)
The things to work out, it seems, are:
- confirm that we understand it correctly
- check how difficult it would be to implement in the language
- check that broadcasting would work, e.g.
[1, 2, 3]--iseven.() == iseven.([1, 2, 3])