Allocations in a convoluted setting

Hi all,

I stumbled upon a combination of factors that lead julia to allocate memory where I dont think it should. I guess its an odd case and maybe this has a reason. If so, I would be happy if someone could explain it to me :slight_smile:

To briefly summarize, if a struct contains a Vector{String} and a field that is variably defined by T, and the Vector{String} is accessed via another struct that references the first one within a comprehension-style function argument, julia allocates memory for the access. Any other combination of the above does not seem to do this, so I’m curious why it would happen for this combination.

edit: I understand the answer of @gdalle and this solves the issue for me. But I would still be interested in why case 3 is not allocating when case 5 does.

Here is the code:

using BenchmarkTools

struct VariableType{T<:UInt}

struct VariableTypeReferer

struct FixedType

struct FixedTypeReferer

function test_variable_type()
    l = 1000
    rs = [10*i+1:10*i+10 for i in 0:(floor(Int, l/10-1))] # ranges needed for the comprehension syntax later
    vt = VariableType(UInt(1), fill("test", l)) 
    ft = FixedType(UInt(1), fill("test", l))
    check_strings = ["test1", "test"]

    # case 1: For a VariableType: direct access to string array of VariableType
    c = 0
    @btime for i in 1:length($vt.s)
        $c += $vt.s[i] in $check_strings

    # case 2: For a VariableType: direct access without the referencing struct, but with intermediate iterator
    c = 0
    @btime for i in 1:length($rs)
        $c += sum($vt.s[ii] in $check_strings for ii in $rs[i])

    # case 3: For a VariableType: access through referencing struct, but without intermediate iterator
    c = 0
    @btime for i in 1:length($rs)
        vtr = VariableTypeReferer($vt)
        for ii in $rs[i]
            $c += vtr.vt.s[ii] in $check_strings

    # case 4: For FixedType: access through referencing struct and with intermediate iterator
    c = 0
    @btime for i in 1:length($rs)
        ftr = FixedTypeReferer($ft)
        $c += sum(ftr.ft.s[ii] in $check_strings for ii in $rs[i])

    # case 5: For a VariableType: access through referencing struct and with intermediate iterator
    c = 0
    @btime for i in 1:length($rs)
        vtr = VariableTypeReferer($vt)
        $c += sum(vtr.vt.s[ii] in $check_strings for ii in $rs[i])

For me, this results in:

2.973 ÎĽs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
3.802 ÎĽs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
3.474 ÎĽs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
3.658 ÎĽs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
13.306 ÎĽs (100 allocations: 3.12 KiB)

edit: I changed the code a little to only contain necessary parts.

Thanks already,

Hey there @maltesie

Basically what happens in your VariableTypeReferer is that the field called vt “forgets” the type parameter T from VariableType, which means the field type annotation is not a concrete type anymore. As specified in the performance tips, this leads to a loss of performance, including unwanted allocations.

You find one solution yourself with FixedType. Here are two more using the full expressivity of VariableType:

struct VariableTypeReferer2{T}

struct VariableTypeReferer3{V<:VariableType}

I would use number 2 but sometimes number 3 can come in handy. Does that answer your question?

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Hi @gdalle,

thanks for the quick answer, I thought it might be something in this direction. But why for an unrelated field? The Vector{String} has a fixed type. And this only happens for Vector{String}, not for other Vectors of unitary types, as far as I checked. Also, why does it not affect the case where I access through the referencing struct, but without the call of sum(…).

edit: Its actually also happening with vectors of other unitary types, got that wrong.

Ah, I guess its the additional function call of sum that is type-instable. But I still dont fully understand, why this happens because of a field I do not use. This affects the whole struct, then?

Its this heap and stack thing, I guess :smiley:

Sorry I cannot give more details on the internals. But if you’re curious, I suggest you check out the introspection tools like @code_warntype or JET.jl

Cool, thanks. I will look into those two, I didn’t know about them.