Considering the following struct definition for _MyTest1:
using BenchmarkTools
abstract type _AbstractReference end
struct _TestStringReference <: _AbstractReference
struct _TestIntReference <: _AbstractReference
struct _MyTest1
test1(x::String) = _MyTest1(_TestStringReference(x))
test1(x::Int64) = _MyTest1(_TestIntReference(x))
Is there any “convenient” way to circumvent this?
What I am trying to do (simplified example), is having a constructor MyTest1(x::String) that creates an instance of _MyTest1 containing either a “string reference” (for arbitrary strings) or an “integer reference” (if the string can be parsed into an integer, like “123”).
Would something like this work? (haven’t tested it myself)
struct _MyTest1{R <: _AbstractReference}
function _MyTest1(x)
parsed_x = # try parsing as Int or keep string
R = # compute according reference type R
return new{R}(parsed_x)
Any instance of _MyTest1 would have concretely typed fields, so there should be less performance problems when accessing them.
But if you want to loop over something like Vector{_MyTest1} later, the dispatch cost might come back.
EDIT: Got the syntax for parametric structs and methods mixed up.
struct _MyTest3
x::Union{_TestStringReference, _TestIntReference}
Thanks to union splitting, this should avoid most of the performance cost. Of course, this only works if you have a small known-in-advance set of possible types.
which shows that the access is now basically the same as with the hardcoded approach, the allocation and time-overhead during the creation is still there (but I’m creating the object less often than I access it so that could be fine).
I am not sure how I could really pull that off for “large” structs (as in with many fields). For now I rely on dispatch to figure out that I’m passing a pure String that is then “automatically” converted into any of those References. Because I need that for a lot of different fields, and a lot of different “input types” that are then properly converted. So my question is - is there any “meta” way of doing your approach, without me needing to type out dozens of type templates?
Usually structs with many fields don’t have such many types, that is, many fields share the same type, such that something like struct A{T1,T2,T3} ... end tends to suffice.
Now, if you really want all possible flexibility without annotating anything, but still keeping fields concrete, you man just want to define a named tuple: