Allocation-free type hiding?

I’m trying to reduce latency in a package, and was intrigued by the mention of “type hiding” in the Dataframes.jl Juliacon talk by @bkamins (State of DataFrames.jl - YouTube).

As I understand it, type hiding consists of wrapping a variable that can have a wide range of types inside a struct without any free parameters, so that its type is only dealt with deep inside a function call tree, when it is unwrapped. This avoids unnecessary specialization and inference along the way.

Problem: I cannot make this kind of approach allocation-free. Here is an absolutely minimal example:

julia> struct S

julia> test(s::S, i) = (s.f() < i) === true;

julia> x = S(randn);

julia> using BenchmarkTools; @btime test($x, 0);
  32.438 ns (1 allocation: 16 bytes)

Note that, despite f being of type Any, test always returns a Bool, so any non-inferable types are confined within test, which unwraps the problematic f::Any field. The goal is to make test allocation-free, in spite of this. That single allocation might seem irrelevant, but it isn’t if you put this test in a hot loop.

If I use the standard approach of fully parametrized types (i.e. no “type-hiding”), I can get rid of the allocation, of course

julia> struct S{F}

julia> test(s::S, i) = (s.f() < i) === true;

julia> x = S(randn);

julia> using BenchmarkTools; @btime test($x, 0);
  5.611 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Question: is there any way to make this kind of type-hiding trick zero-cost in terms of allocations and runtime?

Constraints: I’d like to avoid Base.@pure if possible, as I can make no assumption on the field f. Also, the field f might be of any type, not just Function

Thanks for any help!

I need to look for a better MWE. This one is fixed easily by putting an extra function barrier (but this doesn’t work in my real-world problem)… The compiler is difficult to predict!

julia> struct S

julia> test(s::S) = _test(s.f);

julia> _test(f::Function) = f() < 0 === true;

julia> x = S(randn);

julia> using BenchmarkTools; @btime test($x)
  12.873 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
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Ok, second try. This MWE is more similar to my real code, and indeed it seems to allocate no matter what I try. It is also much slower than the parametrized S{F} version

julia> struct S

julia> test(s::S, r) = _test(s.f, r);

julia> _test(f::Function, r) = f(r) === true;

julia> x = S(r -> r < 0.5);

julia> function run(x::S)
           z = 0
           for _ in 1:1e5
               r = rand()
               z += test(x, r)
           return z
run (generic function with 1 method)

julia> using BenchmarkTools; @btime run($x);
  1.712 ms (100000 allocations: 1.53 MiB)

I feel like the point of hiding is to trade latency with some boxing cost, so this seems, reasonable? to my eyes at least

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Uhm, I was hoping to have my cake and eat it too… :grin:

I guess that I don’t fully understand why we need an allocation. I guess it has to do with the need to store f in the heap when you don’t know its type, or something. So perhaps, as you say @jling, this is unavoidable with the above approach?

My ultimate goal is to be able to precompile test to reduce latency (well, a rather larger test function of my real code that involves complicated operations that don’t rely on the type of f until they hit _test). But I cannot do it if S is parametric, only if it is parameter-free. Maybe there is an altogether different approach to do this?

hm, again, I *think the approach outlined here is the opposite, hiding type means to reduce latency by *not compiling for any types (because by construction you cannot / not worth it)

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But indeed, that’s how I understand it. Imagine you have a complicated function

function test(s::S)
    # lots of code that does not rely on the specific s.f::Any
    # and generates `data`  <-- worthwhile to precompile
    result = 0
    for i in data
        result += _test(s.f, i)
        # _test cannot be precompiled because it takes any s.f, 
        # but it is tiny and always returns a `Bool`
    return result

In the above case, test(::S) is fully inferable, and precompile(test, (S,)) goes a long way to reduce your latency. The problem is that the _test allocation is making your loop slow…

this is why you shouldn’t loop over rows of dataframe without wrapper types (like using DataFrameMeta). In DataFrame’s case it’s the opposite, the underlying data is not typed because it’s not suitable for general use case (many many columns). To overcome this if you want tight loop over rows, you put a wrapper type for the “row” as a way to add information given to compiler.

Your underlying data can be typed (by adding parameter to S), but to reduce latency, you chose to hide it. If loop performance is >>> latency, just don’t do it, latency will be overshadowed by one time compilation anyway.

If you want fast time-to-first-iteration AND fast loop, maybe but I honestly don’t know if it works in this case

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Ok, so you say that when looping over untyped rows in DataFrames, you indeed wrap the data as above, and pay the price of boxing? In other words, you’re suggesting it’s a matter of choosing between latency and runtime performance, yes?

Looking at the amazing performance of DataFrames I thought there was some clever trick to this…

ok I lied, the way dataframemeta works is to transform (using macro) row loop into indexing column, which gives you type stability because each column is typed:

for r in eachrow(df)
# becomes
for i in 1:size(df, 1)

but yes, indeed, this could even be the main theme of Julia maybe, in terms of optimizing “user experience”

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This is close, but not quite. The above for-loop will still be slow because Julia won’t know what type df.x[i] is. Since it won’t know what type df.x is.

DataFramesMeta.jl gets around this problem by using an anonymous function that accepts wohle columns. This function barrier let’s Julia make optimal code.

@eachrow! df begin 
    :a = :b + :c


function _t(a, b, c)
    for i in 1:length(a)
        a[i] = b[i] + c[i]
_t(df.a, df.b, df.c)

Thanks @pdeffebach . However this kind of strategy is analogous to the _test barrier, which doesn’t solve my problem.

The following is promising, though:

julia> import FunctionWrappers

julia> import FunctionWrappers: FunctionWrapper

julia> struct S

julia> test(s::S, r::Float64) = s.f(r)
test (generic function with 1 method)

julia> x = S(FunctionWrapper{Bool,Tuple{Float64}}(r -> r < 0.5));

julia> function run(s::S)
           z = 0
           for _ in 1:1e5
               r = rand()
               z += test(s, r)
           return z
run (generic function with 1 method)

julia> using BenchmarkTools; @btime run($x)
  601.449 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Maybe the trick is to wrap everything inside a test::FunctionWrapper

I don’t quite understand what problem you are trying to solve, actually.

The function wrapper strategy used in DataFrames.jl is good for when you have lots of different calls with different types and you don’t want each new call to take too long.

In a hot loop like what you are doing, the function will only ever get compiled once in the entire execution of the loop. It’s not like you are giving the function many different heterogeneous inputs.

Also, the DataFrames.jl function-wrapping strategy only solves a very specific problem: compile times for new calls. It doesn’t improve performance at all. Are you having a problem with large compile times for every new time you run a function?

Also, the strategy in @eachrow! is about inference. Because data frames do not have typed columns, Julia can’t know the type of the columns. By making an anonymous function, I actually do the opposite of the function wrapping strategy: I force more compilation on types and do it earlier. It can actually get pretty annoying! That’s why a ton of development effort has been put into not constructing anonymous functions whenever possible.

Ok, let me try to explain my problem more clearly

  • The user provides an input user_input, whose type is not known. In particular user_input can be a Function. Since each function is of a different type in Julia there is an infinite number of possible input types

  • The package performs a computation using the input, let’s call it build_results!(results, user_input). Think if it as something like

function build_results!(results::Vector{Float64}, user_input)
	# some complex code with non-trivial inference
	# somewhere inside this code there is this loop
	for r in vector
		test(user_input, r) && push!(results, r)
	return results
  • The function test(user_input, r) is known to return a Bool, so inference of build_results! is independent of user_input

  • Now, on the first call to build_results! we have substantial latency due to inference. We wish to reduce it. But we cannot do precompile(build_results!, (Vector{Float64}, Any)), because we don’t know the type of user_input::Any, even if it should not be required to infer types in build_results!

  • The type-hiding trick consists of wrapping user_input in a wrapper type

struct Wrapper

so that we now have

function build_results!(results::Vector{Float64}, wrapped_user_input::Wrapper)
	# some complex code with non-trivial inference
	# somewhere inside this code there is this loop
	for r in vector
		test(wrapped_user_input, r) && push!(results, r)
	return results

test(x::Wrapper) = _test(x.user_input)
_test(user_input) = #actual test, returns Bool
  • With the above we can do precompile(build_results!, (Vector{Float64}, Wrapper)), and eliminate most of the latency. However, in doing so we are forced to have a slower runtime, because the unwrapping test(x::Wrapper) = _test(x.user_input) allocates no matter what

  • The FunctionWrappers.jl approach in the above post could (perhaps?) be made to work by defining test as a FunctionWrapper{Bool, Tuple{Float64}}(user_input) that wraps the user input (assuming it is a Function). In that case we could maybe do

function build_results!(results::Vector{Float64}, test::FunctionWrapper)
	# some complex code with non-trivial inference
	# somewhere inside this code there is this loop
	for r in vector
		test(r) && push!(results, r)
	return results

and then happily eliminate latency with precompile(build_results!, (Vector{Float64}, FunctionWrapper{Bool, Tuple{Float64}})) without paying the runtime price.

I still have to experiment with this possibility, but it’s quite late now. Cheers!


Coming in late, but a brief comment is that “type hiding” is a way to trade off

  • “having to recompile whole function chain with every new type”
  • “having to compile almost everything once and a very small function for every new type” at the cost of boxing and potentially dynamic dispatch (I write potentially as it depends on with how many types you actually invoke the function - Julia compiler has an adaptive rule here)

So essentially when you have code e.g.

function f(var)
    # a lot of preprocessing
    # core operation that are expensive

you change it into code

f1(@nospecialize var) = f2(wrap(var))

function f2(wrapped_var)
    # a lot of preprocessing

function f3(var)
    # core operation that are expensive

And in this way whenever you get a new type of var:

  • the original code had to recompile whole f each time
  • the changed code compiles f1 and f2 only once, but f3 each time it hits a new type, but since f3 is small it will compile fast; the cost is that you have to call wrap and unwrap and calling f3 will be with dynamic dispatch

Now regarding eachrow(df) in DataFrames.jl. This is a type unstable iterator and will be slow. If you need a type stable iterator use Tables.namedtupleiterator(df[!, columns_you_are_going_to_use]) and use a function barrier (this call is kind of unwrap operation in my example above and df is a wrapped container var), The thing is that eachrow will be compiled once and fast, and with Tables.namedtupleiterator and function barrier you get a compilation each time you call it with new columns and the compilation cost gets up with the number of columns you pass.