(also note that in matlab this kind of array masks is necessary to get not-crappy performance, but in julia it is often faster to just write out the for loop. Whether that is more or less clear than masks depends on the context)
You can do the same in Julia, and as a bonus, it is faster even in this vectorized form. But if you want to up your game, you can get it 4X faster in Julia with 4X less memory by writing a one-liner loop:
A, B, C, D = [1000randn(1000) for i=1:4]
using BenchmarkTools
@btime out = @. ($A > -10) & ($B > 15) & ($C > 500) & ($D > 200)
2.556 μs (3 allocations: 4.41 KiB)
@btime [($A[i]>-10) & ($B[i]>15) & ($C[i]>500) & ($D[i]>200) for i=1:length($A)]
775.962 ns (1 allocation: 1.06 KiB)
In MATLAB, for comparison:
A = 1000*randn(1000,1);
B = 1000*randn(1000,1);
C = 1000*randn(1000,1);
D = 1000*randn(1000,1);
out = @() (A > -10) & (B > 15) & (C > 500) & (D > 200);
ans =