I would like to connect a front-end admin panel/dashboard to a Julia library from localhost web browser. The front end needs a left panel and on a right and some dashboards, tables, texts and reactive button. For instance :
I do not have experience on web front end, so I did some research about it and opportunity to interact with my library. As everything in computer science and in other science domain, there are multiple possibilities and I am a little lost.
- Pluto, reactive with PlutoUI, should be possible to have a left panel as an example computational thinking web site. However, I do not know the effort to get something equivalent to the web site from a blank Pluto’s notebook ;
- Steamlit with Pycall.jl exchange and follow some well-documented example. However, I do not know exactly the glue code added by exchange with python exchange and limits of steamlit.
- Dash Plotly. I found a template here. However, I do not know the feasibility to manage the template with the Dash Julia Library
- Genie builder. I installed it on Visual code, and I didn’t manage to create a panel on the left, maybe I did not give enough effort to get there ;
- Use a dedicated front end such as React-admin and try to manage exchange with Genie Framework. However, I do not know how work the exchange and limits and Javascript.
I’m wondering if anyone can give me some information in which direction should I concentrate my efforts.
Warmest regards