Adding vectors of different lengths

I am porting code from Matlab to Julia, and I am having trouble finding an efficient way of adding vectors that differ in length. Here are the essential lines, from inside a recursive function:

% Matlab code
t1 = recursive_function(a+1,b-1,c,d,params);
t2 = recursive_function(a  ,b-1,c,d,params);  % numel(t2)==numel(t1)-1
result = t1 + [params.AB*t2 0];               % one example
result = t1 + [0 params.AB*t2];               % another example

result is what gets returned by the function. I translated this to Julia in the obvious (and likely overly naĂŻve) way

# Julia code
t1 = recursive_function(a+1,b-1,c,d,params)
t2 = recursive_function(a  ,b-1,c,d,params)    # numel(t2)==numel(t1)-1
result = t1 + push!(params.AB*t2,0.0)          # one example
result = t1 + unshift!(0.0,params.AB*t2)       # another example

With this, I get a lot of memory allocations. @code_warntype doesn’t highlight any type instabilities.

Is there a more efficient way to calculate result?

Are you able to do this in-place, i.e., destroy t1? If so, you should try

@view(t1[1:end-1]) .+= t2
@view(t1[2:end]) .+= t2

My attempt on version 0.5:

julia> t1, t2 = rand(10^3), rand(10^3-1);
julia> @view(t1[1:end-1]) .+= t2
syntax: invalid assignment location "true&&Base.view(t1,1:-(Base.endof(t1),1))"

julia> t1[1:end-1] .+= t2
works fine. Very odd.

I’m not sure why’s solution isn’t working for me, but here is a pretty speedy alternative:

for i in eachindex(t2)
    @inbounds t1[i+1] += t2[i]
for i in eachindex(t2)
    @inbounds t1[i] += t2[i]
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You can’t use @view on the lhs of an assignment. In 0.6, you can do:

@views t1[1:end-1] .+= t2

to update t1 in-place, but writing out the loop is a fast and reasonable option as well.

I hadn’t realized that. Is there any reason why @view cannot be used on the LHS? I was under the impression that .+= lowered to a broadcast! call, so the LHS could be any object, evaluated greedily.

Yes. @view a[i] transforms the expression to view(a, i). So, if you did @view a[i] = 3 it would transform to view(a, i) = 3, which is a function declaration and not an assignment.

As discussed in Create `@view` macro for creating SubArrays via indexing. by simonbyrne · Pull Request #16564 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub, the @view macro was therefore purposely designed in a funny way to prevent you from using it on the lhs of an assignment. Unfortunately, this prevents it from being used on the lhs of .=, too, where a view call would be fine.

Note that doing a slice on the lhs of = actually does not produce a slice object: a[1:2] = ... turns into a call to setindex!(a, ..., 1:2). So, it already acts in-place and there is no need for @view. The problem comes with an updating operator like +=, where the lhs is actually used on both the left and right-hand sides of the expression.

The solution is to use @views on the whole expression (or a block containing the expression); this looks at the whole expression and does the right thing to prevent any slices from allocating copies. @views is a new feature of 0.6, but works on 0.4 and 0.5 via the latest Compat.

I still do not fully understand why it is prevented from being on the LHS of .+=. To be precise in where I am confused, here is an annotated REPL session

julia> A = rand(5);

julia> (true && A) = 1;  # assignment, expected to fail
ERROR: syntax: invalid assignment location "true&&A"

julia> (true && A) += 1;  # assignment, expected to fail
ERROR: syntax: invalid assignment location "true&&A"

julia> (true && A) .= 1;  # broadcast!, expected to work

julia> (true && A) .+= 1;  # broadcast!, expected to work
ERROR: syntax: invalid assignment location "true&&A"

It is this last line that confuses me. To borrow some not-100%-accurate terminology from C++, my understanding was that what goes on the LHS of = and += must be an “lvalue”, which (true && A) is not. But what goes on the LHS of .= and .+= is an “rvalue”, which (true && A) is. Indeed it seems I am correct for .=, but not for .+=.

After thinking about it some more, I understand now why the .+= case is more difficult than the .= case, although I think it could be supported with a little more effort. The idea is that

a += x

expands to

a = a + x

and the a is duplicated onto both left and right hand sides. This cannot be an issue because for the standard = operator, the only kinds of expressions a for which this makes sense are names, fields, and refs. For each of these, the operation of “setting” is a fundamentally different operation than “getting”.

In the case of

A .= x

considerably greater flexibility is available for the left-hand side A, and indeed this can take on any value that can normally be on the right hand side without issue. (Except, perhaps, as a special case values like A[x:y] are rewritten to be views, because otherwise the behaviour of modifying a newly-allocated object and then throwing away the result is nonsensical and error-prone. This seems to be the case on 0.5 at least; I don’t know if it has been changed in 0.6.)

In the case of

A .+= x

it is expanded to

A .= A .+ x

and it is here that A is restricted to being something simple. Suppose it were not; then we might have

somefunction(A) .= somefunction(A) .+ x

and the somefunction would be called twice, perhaps expensive, and perhaps with additional unwanted side effects. Instead this would need to be expanded to

let tmp = somefunction(A)
    tmp .= tmp .+ x

which is not currently supported by the update operator expander.

Hence, if my understanding is correct, it is not a semantic reason that @views(A[x:y]) .+= x is not allowed, but instead simply that the code to do it properly has not been written yet, so it is prohibited. Since alternatives like @views exist, presumably this is a low priority and unlikely to make it into 0.6.

Does this sound right?

This works great, giving 50x speedup - wonderful, thanks!

Question concerning the usage of @inbounds: What’s the difference between the above and the following?

@inbounds for i in eachindex(t2)
    t1[i+1] += t2[i]

(The documentation gives both. This post doesn’t quite clarify this.) I don’t see any noticeable performance difference for my use case, but there are differences where $(Expr(:inbounds, true)) shows up in the @code_warntype output. Here is my test code:

function test1!(t1,t2,M)
  for k in 1:M
    for i in eachindex(t2)
        @inbounds t1[i+1] += t2[i]

function test2!(t1,t2,M)
  for k in 1:M
    @inbounds for i in eachindex(t2)
        t1[i+1] += t2[i]

N = 1000
t1 = zeros(N+1)
t2 = rand(N)
M = 10000
@code_warntype test1!(t1,t2,M)
@code_warntype test2!(t1,t2,M)

As far as I know, there is no difference. I chose this for aesthetic reasons.

Be aware, though, that you should be very certain when you use @inbounds. If there is any uncertainty about the lengths of the vectors you should drop it, or perhaps explicitely perform a check before the loop.

You’re right, I think it’s a bug in the parser. In 0.4, x .+= y corresponded to x = x .+ y. When that was changed to mean x .= x .+ y in 0.5, I guess we forgot to eliminate the syntax error for the LHS being an rvalue. Can you file an issue?

Yes, but it would be straightforward, in principle, to eliminate the double call during lowering.