I am attempting to plot multiple traces using the PlotlyJS
backend and there are too many to do manually. My idea is to do something of the sort:
for idx in 1:size(data)[2]
traces[idx] = scatter(x=r_range,
name = "$idx")
However, I need to allocate the traces
array to be able to use it. I tried doing traces = Array{Any,1}()
and using push!
to populate it, which worked, but when I plot, I get the following error:
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching Plot(::Vector{Any}, ::Layout{Dict{Symbol, Any}})
Closest candidates are:
Plot(::AbstractArray{T}, ::Layout; kwargs...) where T<:Union{Dates.Date, Dates.DateTime, AbstractString, Number, Symbol} at C:\Users\Paul\.julia\packages\PlotlyBase\xb3Du\src\convenience_api.jl:78
Plot(::TT, ::TL, ::TF, ::Base.UUID, ::PlotConfig) where {TT<:(AbstractVector{<:AbstractTrace}), TL<:AbstractLayout, TF<:(AbstractVector{<:PlotlyFrame})} at C:\Users\Paul\.julia\packages\PlotlyBase\xb3Du\src\PlotlyBase.jl:79
Plot(::AbstractVector{<:AbstractTrace}, ::Any) at C:\Users\Paul\.julia\packages\PlotlyBase\xb3Du\src\PlotlyBase.jl:105
I tried playing around with AbstractArray
s to no avail.
Here’s an overview of my code:
using PlotlyJS
# Measurement Generation
data = rand(Float64, (100, 5))
r_range = 10:10:90
for idx in 1:size(data)[2]
push!(traces, scatter(x=r_range,
name = "$idx")
plot_size = 800
layout = Layout(
xaxis_label = "x",
yaxis_label = "y",
font = attr(size=16),
width=plot_size, height=plot_size,
template = "plotly_white"
analysis_plot = plot(traces, layout)
My goal would be to automate the process via a for
loop and get a similar result as THIS tutorial.
I would appreciate any insight as to the best way to allocate the array which works with Plotly. Thanks