Hello there,
I’m still extremely new to Julia and I’m currently trying to plot both the flow of an autonomous system of linear ODEs + their corresponding nullclines. The flow itself I’m using -
using Makie
using CairoMakie; cm = CairoMakie
odeSol(x,y) = Point(y - x^2 + 2, x*y - y^2) #x(t)' = ..., y(t)' = ...
scene = cm.Scene(size =(500,500))
cm.streamplot!(scene, odeSol, -5..5, -5..5,
backgroundcolor = :black, colormap = cm.Reverse(:plasma),
gridsize= (30,30), arrow_size = 0.1)
save("odeField.png", scene)
Is there some sophisticated way to add the nullclines here that I should be using?
Thank you in advance a lot.