Hey All
First of all. Is there a addall(::AbstractDict, ::AbstractDict)
function? I didn’t find one.
My work around was:
push!(copy_to_dict, copy_from_dict...)
But now the problem is that if length(copy_from_dict) == 0
the code above throws an error.
julia> d = Dict()
Dict{Any, Any}()
julia> push!(d, Dict()...)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching push!(::Dict{Any, Any})
Closest candidates are:
push!(::AbstractDict, ::Pair) at abstractdict.jl:515
push!(::AbstractDict, ::Pair, ::Pair) at abstractdict.jl:516
push!(::AbstractDict, ::Pair, ::Pair, ::Pair...) at abstractdict.jl:517
Should I open an issue to add push!(::AbstractDict)
and/or to add addall!