Add specific elements of a CUDA matrix


I have an N \times N matrix A on the GPU (e.g. CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer} from CUDA.jl), and two N-element “index vectors” iVector and jVector also on the GPU. I want to add the elements of A located at indices \{(i_1, j_1), (i_2, j_2), \ldots, (i_N, j_N)\}. With everything on the CPU, this is of course trivial with something like

sum(A[iVector[k], jVector[k]] for k in 1:N)

There’s a similar method with everything on the GPU with

sum(@inbounds view(A, view(iVector, index), view(jVector, index)) for index in eachindex(iVector))

but my gut says this isn’t the best way to do it and is more just a workaround. Is there a better or more correct way to do this? What about doing the summation in parallel on the GPU as well? Possibly writing a custom CUDA kernal?


using Random: randperm
using CUDA
using BenchmarkTools

const dimension = 10^4
const adjacencyMatrix = CUDA.rand(dimension, dimension)
const tour = convert.(Int32, randperm(dimension)) |> cu

function fitness(
    adjacencyMatrix :: Union{Matrix{T}, CuArray}, 
    position :: Union{Vector, CuArray}
) where T <: Real
    head = view(position, 1:length(position)-1)
    tail = view(position, 2:length(position))
    return sum(
        @inbounds view(
            view(head, index), 
            view(tail, index)
         ) for index in eachindex(head)

display(@btime fitness(adjacencyMatrix, tour);)


119.928 ms (240377 allocations: 8.36 MiB)

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You can take the sum of a view with indices:

function fitness(adjacencyMatrix::Union{Matrix{T}, CuArray},
                 position::Union{Vector, CuArray}) where T <: Real
    head = view(position, 1:length(position)-1)
    tail = view(position, 2:length(position))
    idx = CartesianIndex.(head, tail)
    sum(view(adjacencyMatrix, idx))

That’s slightly faster :slight_smile: 100us instead of 270ms on my system.