In case people need it, I finally managed to make it work:
- the HTTP requests are handled by the CPU cores,
- I can see it in the logs,
- I can measure the improvement in how fast concurrent HTTP requests get answered.
A few notes first:
When I am talking about CPU cores I refer to what is displayed either
From what I see in Julia’s documentation a “process” is more or less the same thing as a “CPU core” (see Distributed.myid
). I use them indistinctively here.
The important functions/macros :
tells us how many CPU cores the machine has (same as in /proc/cpuinfo). We can use this number to know how many processes we can add.
to add processes
to load all packages and project code (including the web APIs!..that was my mistake) in all the processes
to start the HTTP server on a given process
allows us to check on which CPU core a piece of code is being executed.
I use julia 1.3.1 but it probably also works with older version because I only use functions from the Distributed package (not Base.Threads).
I use Mux.serve but that would also work with HTTP.serve
This being said here is a simplfied version of my main file
using Pkg
using Revise # NOTE: In order for the web APIs to take into account changes
# you execute `@everywhere include("src/web-api-definition.jl")` (see below)
using Distributed
addprocs(Sys.CPU_THREADS - 1) # Add the number of CPU cores minus one (for the
# current process)
@everywhere using Distributed # Add Distributed to all processes because we
# want to use Distributed.myid() in the processes
@everywhere using Lib1, Lib2, LibX # Add packages
@everywhere push!(LOAD_PATH, "/home/myuser/CODE/MyLib.jl/") # Add your packages
using Mux, HTTP
@everywhere include("src/web-api-definition.jl") # This file contains the definition of the variable
# web_api used below (eg. `@app web_api = (...)`) see documentation
# of Mux. I executed
# Start a HTTP server on every available process. All HTTP servers listen
# on the same port, hence `reuseaddr = true`
for i in 1:nprocs()
@spawnat i Mux.serve(web_api, Mux.localhost, 8082
;reuseaddr = true)
Now, if you want to check that the HTTP requests are handled by the different processes, you can use
@info "Running on process[$(Distributed.myid()]"
To check what improvement it brings to the caller, I used curl calls. Side note, at first it seemed to me that there was no difference between having 1 CPU core and 8 CPU cores handling the requests but that was because the julia function called by the API was misconceived: I was using sleep(numOfSeconds)
in the function in order to simulate a function that takes some time to execute but sleep()
actually let the process go take care of another request. In order to simulate a long running function you need to keep the process busy, for example:
function doSomething(numOfSeconds::Float64)
@info "Running on process[$(Distributed.myid()]"
startTime =
diffRes = 0.0
counter = 0
while diffRes < numOfSeconds
diffRes = - startTime
diffRes = convert(Float64,diffRes / Millisecond(1000))
return string(counter)