I want to know if a certain object is allocated on stack or heap, here’s my thought:
- find the range of the stack
- find the location where the object data is placed
- check if the data location is in the stack range
And here is what I did:
#include "julia.h"
JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_obj_inspect(jl_value_t *obj)
int i = 0;
jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
char *stackbase = (char*)ptls->stackbase;
printf("stacksize = %ld\n", ptls->stacksize);
printf("offset of i = %ld\n", (char*)(&i) - stackbase);
printf("offset of obj = %ld\n", (char*)obj - stackbase);
if(jl_is_int64(obj)) {
printf("int value = %ld\n", *(long*)obj);
lib = Libdl.dlopen_e("./test.so")
obj_inspector = dlsym(lib, :jl_obj_inspect)
a0 = [1 2; 3 4] # an array
ccall(obj_inspector, Cvoid, (Any,), a0)
struct S
s0 = S(1) # an immutable obj
ccall(obj_inspector, Cvoid, (Any,), s0)
s1 = S(1) # an immutable obj
ccall(obj_inspector, Cvoid, (Any,), s1)
d = 1 # a primitive
ccall(obj_inspector, Cvoid, (Any,), d)
d = 2 # a primitive
ccall(obj_inspector, Cvoid, (Any,), d)
And below is the output:
stacksize = 4194304
offset of i = 765695344180
offset of obj = 14176656
stacksize = 4194304
offset of i = 765695344180
offset of obj = 14257248
stacksize = 4194304
offset of i = 765695344180
offset of obj = 14258672
stacksize = 4194304
offset of i = 765695344180
offset of obj = 299104
int value = 1
stacksize = 4194304
offset of i = 765695344180
offset of obj = 299168
int value = 2
What I saw shows:
- the stack size is 4194304 (4M)
is the lowest address of the stack, so the stack range is (stackbase, stackbase+stacksize), stack grows from high addr to low addr - int values are allocated on stack (offset < stacksize)
- mutable objects are allocated on heap (offset > stacksize)
- [?] immutable objects are allocated on heap (offset > stacksize)
- [?] c code (called via
) and Julia code use different stacks (the offset ofint i
is far far away from the stackbase)
I am not sure if my observation is correctly explained, especially the ones marked with question marks, I would very appreciate it if someone could clarify them, thank you.