About Julia's inline assembly usage

I tried to use @asmcall in LLVM.jl. Is there way to copy register’s value to variable in julia code?

Did you ever get an answer? I’m starting to take an interest in in-line assembly within Julia and the register conventions and figuring out where in either registers or memory variables are at when in-line assembly is called should be documented. Unfortunately, the first Google search result is your query, rather than the answer.

If in doubt, first check the tests: https://github.com/maleadt/LLVM.jl/blob/9155a8c30d6743197728e63c167d078167f34725/test/interop.jl#L87-L93


I may also have misread the question; if you’re asking, “where did Julia put variable x”, I don’t think there’s an easy or reliable way to figure that out.

I’d just use Base.llvmcall, e.g.

const _Vec{W,T} = NTuple{W,Core.VecElement{T}}
# requires AVX2
@generated function vfmadd231(a::_Vec{4,Float64}, b::_Vec{4,Float64}, c::_Vec{4,Float64})
    vfmadd_str = """%res = call <4 x double> asm "vfmadd231pd \$3, \$2, \$1", "=v,0,v,v"(<4 x double> %2, <4 x double> %1, <4 x double> %0)
                        ret <4 x double> %res"""
        $(Expr(:meta, :inline))
        Base.llvmcall($vfmadd_str, _Vec{4,Float64}, Tuple{_Vec{4,Float64},_Vec{4,Float64},_Vec{4,Float64}}, a, b, c)

The call syntax returns an llvm variable, that you can then return as a Julia variable.

However, why do you need asm call?
Normally, LLVM also provides target specific intrinsic functions matching whatever you need.
So what I do is look through the appropriate llvm tests to find the instruction and calling syntax I need, and then avoid using asm.
It’s still target specific, but easier to work with.


For me, it is more academic than anything–teaching someone how functions are implemented in assembly. I think understanding how compilers use the stack and registers is important to understanding how computers work.

For that I think that @code_lowered, @code_typed, @code_llvm and @code_native are really amazing tools that let you see how high-level code gets translated into successively lower level forms, ending with assembly code. I’m not sure that writing inline assembly is as helpful for teaching.


These (and later Cthulhu) were invaluable for me.