Why can’t my Gurobi install??
(@v1.6) pkg> build Gurobi
Building Gurobi → C:\Users\dell\.julia\scratchspaces\44cfe95a-1eb2-52ea-b672-e2afdf69b78f\0c39671e531549c2969bdf0c0513d03a07f9ffd8\build.log
ERROR: Error building Gurobi
ERROR: LoadError: Unable to locate Gurobi installation. If the advice above did not help,
open an issue at https://github.com/jump-dev/Gurobi.jl and post the full
print-out of this diagnostic attempt.
[1] error(s::String)
@ Base .\error.jl:33
[2] top-level scope
@ C:\Users\dell.julia\packages\Gurobi\Dn7m0\deps\build.jl:161
[3] include(fname::String)
@ Base.MainInclude .\client.jl:444
[4] top-level scope
@ none:5
in expression starting at C:\Users\dell.julia\packages\Gurobi\Dn7m0\deps\build.jl:155
Unable to locate Gurobi installation. Running some common diagnostics.
Gurobi.jl only supports the following versions:
- gurobi91
- gurobi90
Did you download and install one of these versions from gurobi.com?
Installing Gurobi.jl via the Julia package manager is not sufficient!
Found GUROBI_HOME = C:\gurobi950\win64
Does this point to the correct install location?
We’re going to look for the Gurobi library in this directory:
That directory has the following files:
- C:\gurobi950\win64\bin\Gurobi95.NET.XML
- C:\gurobi950\win64\bin\Gurobi95.NET.dll
- C:\gurobi950\win64\bin\GurobiJni95.dll
- C:\gurobi950\win64\bin\grb_ts.exe
- C:\gurobi950\win64\bin\grbcluster.exe
- C:\gurobi950\win64\bin\grbgetkey.exe
- C:\gurobi950\win64\bin\grbprobe.exe
- C:\gurobi950\win64\bin\grbtune.exe
- C:\gurobi950\win64\bin\gurobi.bat
- C:\gurobi950\win64\bin\gurobi95.dll
- C:\gurobi950\win64\bin\gurobi95_light.dll
- C:\gurobi950\win64\bin\gurobi_cl.exe
- C:\gurobi950\win64\bin\vslauncher.exe
- C:\gurobi950\win64\bin\vswhere.exe
We were looking for (but could not find) a file named like
, libgurobiXXX.dylib
, or gurobiXXX.dll
You should set the GUROBI_HOME
environment variable to point to the
install location then try again. For example (updating the path to the
correct location if needed):
# On Windows, this might be
ENV["GUROBI_HOME"] = "C:\\Program Files\\gurobi910\\win64\\"
import Pkg
# On OSX, this might be
ENV["GUROBI_HOME"] = "/Library/gurobi910/mac64/"
import Pkg
# On Unix, this might be
ENV["GUROBI_HOME"] = "/opt/gurobi910/linux64/"
import Pkg
Note: your path may differ. Check which folder you installed the Gurobi
binary in, and update the path accordingly.