LinAlg.A_mul_B!(result, A, α*v)
deviates from result = α*A*v
Hey everybody!
So I am new to the game here. I was drawn to implement the code of my project in Julia because it had all the features I was looking for built in: Sparse Matrices, native Complex Numbers, fast runtime.
Part of my project includes solving iteratively the ODE of the Schrödinger equation:
\partial_t {\psi} = -i H {\psi}
In my project a state vector \psi is represented by a 2^N-component vector; H is represented by a Sparse 2^N \times 2^N Matrix.
I opted for the 4-step (classical) Runge-Kutta solver to preserve the L²-Norm of the vector.
While debugging I was puzzled by the following (mis-)behaviour of the Low-Level BLAS function LinAlg.A_mul_B!()
, which I wanted to employ because of the very high iterations in the iterative solving.
Consider the following code snippet:
N = 2^16
v = randn(N)
v[:] = v/norm(v)
H = sprandn(N, N, 0.002)
result1 = Array{Complex{Float64}}(v)
result2 = Array{Complex{Float64}}(v)
Δt = 0.0005
result1[:] = -im*Δt*H*v
LinAlg.A_mul_B!(result2, H, -im*Δt*v)
println("Do the two results agree?\n$(prod( result1 .== result2 ))")
Δv = norm( result1 - result2 )
println("What is the norm of the difference vector Δv?\n$(Δv)")
println("Δv/Δt = $(Δv/Δt)")
which yields after running the following output:
$ julia snippet.jl
Do the two results agree?
What is the norm of the difference vector Δv?
Δv/Δt = 2.781157822873656e-15
\mathcal{O}(10^{-15}) might not seem much of a difference, yet I am puzzled there is one at all!
The difference of those two results is accumulating over the four step Runge-Kutta iteration and ends up being \mathcal{O}(2\% \Delta t). This is rather unacceptable for one simple iteration step…
The previous statement can be observed with, for example, this code:
function rungekutta!(input::Array{Complex{Float64}}, H::SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int64}, deltaT::Float64, k1::Array{Complex{Float64}}, k2::Array{Complex{Float64}}, k3::Array{Complex{Float64}}, k4::Array{Complex{Float64}})
LinAlg.A_mul_B!(k1, H, -im*deltaT*input )
LinAlg.A_mul_B!(k2, H, -im*deltaT*(input + LinAlg.scale!( 1./2., k1) ) )
LinAlg.A_mul_B!(k3, H, -im*deltaT*(input + LinAlg.scale!( 1./2., k2) ) )
LinAlg.A_mul_B!(k4, H, -im*deltaT*(input + k3 ) )
input[:] += (LinAlg.scale!(2.0, k2) + LinAlg.scale!(2.0, k3) + k4)/6.
return nothing
function rungekutta2!(input::Array{Complex{Float64}}, H::SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int64}, deltaT::Float64, k1::Array{Complex{Float64}}, k2::Array{Complex{Float64}}, k3::Array{Complex{Float64}}, k4::Array{Complex{Float64}})
k1[:] = -im*deltaT*(H*(input))
k2[:] = -im*deltaT*(H*(input+k1/2.0))
k3[:] = -im*deltaT*(H*(input+k2/2.0))
k4[:] = -im*deltaT*(H*(input+k3))
input[:] += (k1+2.*k2+2.*k3+k4)/6.0
return nothing
N = 2^16
v = randn(N)
v[:] = v/norm(v)
H = sprandn(N, N, 0.002)
k1 = zeros(Complex{Float64}, N)
k2 = zeros(Complex{Float64}, N)
k3 = zeros(Complex{Float64}, N)
k4 = zeros(Complex{Float64}, N)
result1 = Array{Complex{Float64}}(v)
result2 = Array{Complex{Float64}}(v)
Δt = 0.0005
result1[:] = -im*Δt*H*v
LinAlg.A_mul_B!(result2, H, -im*Δt*v)
rungekutta!(result1, H, Δt, k1, k2, k3, k4)
rungekutta2!(result2, H, Δt, k1, k2, k3, k4)
println("Do the two results agree?\n$(prod( result1 .== result2 ))")
Δv = norm( result1 - result2 )
println("What is the norm of the difference vector Δv?\n$(Δv)")
println("Δv/Δt = $(Δv/Δt)")
which yields after running the following output:
$ julia snippet2.jl
Do the two results agree?
What is the norm of the difference vector Δv?
Δv/Δt = 0.021920769466573658
I would be very happy to find out why these two operations doe not agree with each other and even more happy, if someone finds a mistake in my code!!