A curious bug(?) in VS Code / Symbolic Regression

I have found a curious, but fairly infuriating issue with running SymbolicRegression.jl in VS Code. I’ll log an issue, but would like some wisdom as to where I should log this - with the VS Code add-in, VS Code itself, or under SymbolicRegression.jl

This is on Windows 10 Pro. VS Code and the Julia add-in are both latest versions (I uninstalled, wiped folders and reinstalled twice to try and fix this…). As is SymbolicRegression.jl, as I thought updating might help.

VS Code - v1.93.0 (system setup)
Julia VSCode - 1.120.2
Julia 1.10.5
SymbolicRegression.jl v0.25.5

The issue is that once I have run the MWE (below), I can no longer type anything into the REPL (built-in terminal). I can edit the file just fine, all results are printed etc, but nothing can be typed into the REPL inside VSCode. The only fix seems to be closing and re-opening the terminal in VSCode, which of course kills the Julia session.

Has anyone seen this before? Under which project would you recommend I log the issue?


using SymbolicRegression

X = randn(2, 100)
y = 2 * cos.(X[2, :]) + X[1, :] .^ 2 .- 2 - sin.(X[1, :].^2)

options = Options(
    binary_operators=[+, *, /, -],
    unary_operators=[cos, exp, log],

hall_of_fame = equation_search(
    X, y, niterations=40, options=options,