I find if I use Threads.threadid()
and sleep
together, the code will give wrong result. Also give wrong result when I replace sleep
by lock
The code shouldn’t output anything, but it did output, that is why I say give wrong result.
Below is my code and output, I run in julia 1.8.5 and by julia --threads 4 xxx.jl
using Base.Threads
lk = ReentrantLock()
n_thread = 4
dat = Array{Int64, 1}(undef, n_thread)
count::Int64 = 0
atom_count = Threads.Atomic{Int64}(0)
for i in 1:4
global count = 0
atom_count[] = 0
fill!(dat, 0)
Threads.@threads for j in 1:100
thread_id = Threads.threadid()
old_num = 0
dat[thread_id] = 0
for k in 1:10
num = rand(1:100)
dat[thread_id] = num
old_num = num
# lock(lk)
# try
# count += 1
# finally
# unlock(lk)
# end
if dat[thread_id] != old_num
println("$thread_id $k")
Threads.atomic_add!(atom_count, 1)
# while(atom_count[] < 100)
# end
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