Relatively new to Julia and enjoying it a lot! However, I would like to display data that has 4 dimensions, x, y, z (terrain) with a color that is independent of z. For context I’m trying to display geophysics on top of a terrain map. I’ve gone through Makie.jl, PlotlyJS.jl and Plots.jl and can’t quite find anything that suitable.
Do I need to transform my terrain data into an stl file and than overlay it with color using Makie.jl perhaps?
Any ideas to modules to consider would be great!
This is a PlotlyJS example. x,y are artificially added, because my data file contains only information on z.
Your color (the 4th dimension) should be assigned to surfacecolor. Here it is set surfacecolor= z.
using DelimitedFiles, PlotlyJS
z = readdlm("st-helens-before.txt", ' ')
r, c = size(z)
x = 1:c
y = 1:r
fig=Plot([surface(x=x, y=y, z=z, surfacecolor=z,
colorscale=colors.gist_earth, colorbar_thickness=25, colorbar_len=0.75
), surface(x=x, y=y, z=-1000*ones(size(z)), surfacecolor=z,
Layout(width=500, height=500, font_size=10, scene_camera_eye=attr(x=1.6, y=1.6, z=1)))
I’ll add this as an example of grdview plus draping an external image.
using GMT
# Get the Gulf of Guinea grid
G = grdcut("@earth_relief_01m", region=(0,10,0,10));
# Drape a photo of a cork tree trunk over it
grdview(G, shade="+nt0.5", proj=:merc, view=(145,35), drape="@wood_texture.jpg",
zsize=5, surftype=:img, name="texture.jpg", show=true)