I have written a macro that generates fast trilinear interpolation functions for 2x2x2 upsampling with threading. The code runs fine and is on average an order of magnitude faster than Interpolations.jl
(which I probably not use in its fastest settings), but I notice an enormous penalty (~50%) if I take into account one additional 2-dimensional loop that takes care of the top boundary (boolean switch, last argument in @upsample_lin_fast("222", 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0.5, true)
and @btime
shows a large allocation overhead, that is not there if I only run the 3D part (switch to false
). The generated code is rather straightforward and is printed to the screen (and probably much easier to look at than the macro). What am I overlooking, because logically the additional computations should be very small compare to the total computational cost. You can test the performance difference by switching between true
and false
in the statement above.
## Load the packages.
using LoopVectorization
using Interpolations
using Statistics
using BenchmarkTools
using PyPlot
using Printf
## Define the upsample functions.
function make_inner_loop!(ex_list, ii, jj, kk, ifac, jfac, kfac, ioff, joff, koff, is_top)
push!(ex_list, :(i_hi = $ifac*i+$ii+is_hi), :(j_hi = $jfac*j+$jj+js_hi))
if is_top
push!(ex_list, :(k_hi = ke_hi))
push!(ex_list, :(k_hi = $kfac*k+$kk+ks_hi))
i_pos = -1/2 + ioff + (1/2 - ioff + ii)/ifac
j_pos = -1/2 + joff + (1/2 - joff + jj)/jfac
k_pos = -1/2 + koff + (1/2 - koff + kk)/kfac
i_lo_off = floor(Int, i_pos) + is_lo
j_lo_off = floor(Int, j_pos) + js_lo
k_lo_off = floor(Int, k_pos) + ks_lo
if is_top
push!(ex_list, :(i_lo = i + $i_lo_off), :(j_lo = j + $j_lo_off), :(k_lo = ke_lo))
push!(ex_list, :(i_lo = i + $i_lo_off), :(j_lo = j + $j_lo_off), :(k_lo = k + $k_lo_off))
fi = mod(i_pos, 1)
fj = mod(j_pos, 1)
fk = mod(k_pos, 1)
coef = zeros(2, 2, 2)
coef[1, 1, 1] = (((1-fi)*fj+fi-1)*fk+(fi-1)*fj-fi+1)
coef[2, 1, 1] = ((fi*fj-fi)*fk-fi*fj+fi)
coef[1, 2, 1] = ((fi-1)*fj*fk+(1-fi)*fj)
coef[2, 2, 1] = (fi*fj-fi*fj*fk)
coef[1, 1, 2] = ((fi-1)*fj-fi+1)*fk
coef[2, 1, 2] = (fi-fi*fj)*fk
coef[1, 2, 2] = (1-fi)*fj*fk
coef[2, 2, 2] = fi*fj*fk
kc_end = is_top ? 1 : 2
rhs_list = []
for kc in 1:kc_end, jc in 1:2, ic in 1:2
if !(coef[ic, jc, kc] ≈ 0)
push!(rhs_list, :( $(coef[ic, jc, kc])*lo[i_lo+$(ic-1), j_lo+$(jc-1), k_lo+$(kc-1)] ))
rhs = Expr(:call, :+, rhs_list...)
push!(ex_list, :(hi[i_hi, j_hi, k_hi] = $rhs))
macro upsample_lin_fast(suffix, ifac, jfac, kfac, ioff, joff, koff, add_top)
ex_inner = []
for kk in 0:kfac-1, jj in 0:jfac-1, ii in 0:ifac-1
make_inner_loop!(ex_inner, ii, jj, kk, ifac, jfac, kfac, ioff, joff, koff, false)
ex_inner_block = quote
Threads.@threads for k in 0:ktot-1
for j in 0:jtot-1
@inbounds @simd for i in 0:itot-1
$(Expr(:block, ex_inner...))
if add_top
ex_top = []
kk = 0
for jj in 0:jfac-1, ii in 0:ifac-1
make_inner_loop!(ex_top, ii, jj, kk, ifac, jfac, kfac, ioff, joff, koff, true)
ex_top_block = quote
Threads.@threads for j in 0:jtot-1
@inbounds @simd for i in 0:itot-1
$(Expr(:block, ex_top...))
ex_top_block = :()
name = Symbol(@sprintf "upsample_lin_%s!" suffix)
ex = quote
function $name(hi, lo, itot, jtot, ktot, is_hi, js_hi, ks_hi, is_lo, js_lo, ks_lo)
return esc(ex)
function upsample_lin_ref!(hi, lo, x_hi, y_hi, z_hi, x_lo, y_lo, z_lo, is_hi, js_hi, ks_hi, ie_hi, je_hi, ke_hi)
interp = interpolate((x_lo, y_lo, z_lo), lo, (Gridded(Linear()), Gridded(Linear()), Gridded(Linear())))
hi[is_hi:ie_hi, js_hi:je_hi, ks_hi:ke_hi] .= interp(x_hi[is_hi:ie_hi], y_hi[js_hi:je_hi], z_hi[ks_hi:ke_hi])
## Set up the grids.
itot_lo = 256; jtot_lo = 192; ktot_lo = 128
itot_hi = 512; jtot_hi = 384; ktot_hi = 256
igc_lo = 1; jgc_lo = 1; kgc_lo = 1
igc_hi = 1; jgc_hi = 1; kgc_hi = 1
# Derive dimensions
ifac = itot_hi÷itot_lo; jfac = jtot_hi÷jtot_lo; kfac = ktot_hi÷ktot_lo;
icells_lo = itot_lo + 2igc_lo; jcells_lo = jtot_lo + 2jgc_lo; kcells_lo = ktot_lo + 2kgc_lo
icells_hi = itot_hi + 2igc_hi; jcells_hi = jtot_hi + 2jgc_hi; kcells_hi = ktot_hi + 2kgc_hi
is_lo = igc_lo+1; js_lo = jgc_lo+1; ks_lo = kgc_lo+1
is_hi = igc_hi+1; js_hi = jgc_hi+1; ks_hi = kgc_hi+1
ie_lo = igc_lo+itot_lo; je_lo = jgc_lo+jtot_lo; ke_lo = kgc_lo+ktot_lo+1
ie_hi = igc_hi+itot_hi; je_hi = jgc_hi+jtot_hi; ke_hi = kgc_hi+ktot_hi+1
w_lo = rand(icells_lo, jcells_lo, kcells_lo)
w_hi_ref = zeros(icells_hi, jcells_hi, kcells_hi)
w_hi_fast = zeros(icells_hi, jcells_hi, kcells_hi)
dx_lo = 1/itot_lo; dy_lo = 1/jtot_lo; dz_lo = 1/ktot_lo
x_lo = collect(range(0.5-igc_lo, length=icells_lo)) .* dx_lo
y_lo = collect(range(0.5-jgc_lo, length=jcells_lo)) .* dy_lo
z_lo = collect(range(0.5-kgc_lo, length=kcells_lo)) .* dz_lo
xh_lo = collect(range(-igc_lo, length=icells_lo)) .* dx_lo
yh_lo = collect(range(-jgc_lo, length=jcells_lo)) .* dy_lo
zh_lo = collect(range(-kgc_lo, length=kcells_lo)) .* dz_lo
dx_hi = 1/itot_hi; dy_hi = 1/jtot_hi; dz_hi = 1/ktot_hi
x_hi = collect(range(0.5-igc_hi, length=icells_hi)) .* dx_hi
y_hi = collect(range(0.5-jgc_hi, length=jcells_hi)) .* dy_hi
z_hi = collect(range(0.5-kgc_hi, length=kcells_hi)) .* dz_hi
xh_hi = collect(range(-igc_hi, length=icells_hi)) .* dx_hi
yh_hi = collect(range(-jgc_hi, length=jcells_hi)) .* dy_hi
zh_hi = collect(range(-kgc_hi, length=kcells_hi)) .* dz_hi
## Compute a reference using Interpolations.jl
@upsample_lin_fast("222", 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0.5, true)
@btime upsample_lin_ref!(
w_hi_ref, w_lo, x_hi, y_hi, zh_hi, x_lo, y_lo, zh_lo,
is_hi, js_hi, ks_hi, ie_hi, je_hi, ke_hi)
@btime upsample_lin_222!(
w_hi_fast, w_lo, itot_lo, jtot_lo, ktot_lo,
is_hi, js_hi, ks_hi, is_lo, js_lo, ks_lo)
w_lo_int = @view w_lo[is_lo:ie_lo, js_lo:je_lo, ks_lo:ke_lo]
w_hi_ref_int = @view w_hi_ref[is_hi:ie_hi, js_hi:je_hi, ks_hi:ke_hi]
w_hi_fast_int = @view w_hi_fast[is_hi:ie_hi, js_hi:je_hi, ks_hi:ke_hi]
println("Fast equal to ref: ", w_hi_fast_int ≈ w_hi_ref_int)
## Plot the output.
zh_lo_int = @view zh_lo[ks_lo:ke_lo]
zh_hi_int = @view zh_hi[ks_hi:ke_hi]
plot(zh_hi_int, w_hi_ref_int[1, 1, :], "C1-^")
plot(zh_hi_int, w_hi_fast_int[1, 1, :], "C2-*")
plot(zh_lo_int, w_lo_int[1, 1, :], "k:+")