0.7 deprecated warning does not go away

julia> mean(A)
WARNING: Base.mean is deprecated: it has been moved to the standard library package Statistics.
Add using Statistics to your imports.
in module Main

julia> using Statistics

julia> mean(A)
WARNING: Base.mean is deprecated: it has been moved to the standard library package Statistics.
Add using Statistics to your imports.
in module Main

julia> import Statistics

julia> mean(A)
WARNING: Base.mean is deprecated: it has been moved to the standard library package Statistics.
Add using Statistics to your imports.
in module Main

julia> import Statistics.mean

julia> mean(A)
WARNING: Base.mean is deprecated: it has been moved to the standard library package Statistics.
Add using Statistics to your imports.
in module Main

I think you need to restart your Julia session to cancel the deprecated warnings.


new session, but that warning is still there.

Once deprecated warnings are invoked, they stick to the session even after calling using Statistics. So, you need to call using Statistics before invoking deprecated warnings.

If it still happens, can you paste all the commands from the start-up of Julia along with versioninfo()?

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Oh, thanks.

So from the new session, call using Statistics first before any call to mean(A), then no such warning.

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