0.7 Alpha Pkg problem

Whoops. Fresh install of 0.7 Alpha on Windows 10

Sorry to be dense, but where should I file a report on this?
I know Pkg3 is the proper solution now, how should I use it please?

julia> Pkg.update()
WARNING: Base.Pkg is deprecated, run using Pkg instead
in module Main
Cloning default registries into C:\Users\hearn.julia\registries
Cloning registry Uncurated from “https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/Uncurated.git
Updating registry at C:\Users\hearn\.julia\registries\Uncurated
Updating git-repo https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/Uncurated.git
Resolving package versions…

julia> using Pkg
ERROR: importing Pkg into Main conflicts with an existing identifier

julia> using Pkg
ERROR: importing Pkg into Main conflicts with an existing identifier

Exit Julia, start it again, and just do using Pkg.

If you start by using Pkg.add it uses the deprecated one (Base.Pkg) and then when you call using Pkg in the same session, the symbols clash (two Pkg).

Thankyou. Exiting and restarting worked.
I think the error message is confusing.