__precompile__() is not resulting in precompiled code

Try giving it a precompile hint for the function you call. However, this may not solve your issue as per-compilation stops at package boundaries. Thus, for instance all Base functions which your function calls will not get compiled (some are of course already compiled).

If that is of no use, you can go down the route of a custom usrimg.jl, but that is annoying. See readme of GitHub - timholy/SnoopCompile.jl: Making packages work faster with more extensive precompilation and for instance this issue https://github.com/carlobaldassi/ArgParse.jl/issues/37.

Note, with Julia 0.6 and using [ANN] Higher productivity (fewer Julia restarts) with Revise.jl, you rarely need to restart your REPL, thus avoiding lengthy compilations.