I want to train a PINN.
I decided, that I want to estimate the physical loss term at static, independent sample times.
For each of the sample times, I have to look up result of the previous sample point, to estimate the delta between both.
I currently solve this, with a look-up in a DataFrame.
The current version of the code is able to run outside the training, but not during the training. I get I error in Zygote, I assume, that the getindex of the DataFrame involves a try-catch bock:
The problematic lines of code are:
is_previous = static_df.Column1 .== (x.Column1-1)
xₚᵣₑᵥ = static_df[is_previous, :] |> first
The second lines raises this Error:
Compiling Tuple{Type{Dict}, Dict{Symbol, Int64}}: try/catch is not supported.
Refer to the Zygote documentation for fixes.
I hope, that someone has an idea
- to make this look-up without this limitation, or
- rework the physical loss term, so that this look-up is not needed.
I currently call the total loss function for reach trained data point cannot get mini batches running).
Therefore I apply a weight, because there are hundred of sample points for the physical loss.
lossₜ(ŷ, y) = (1 - loss_ratio) * mse(ŷ, y)+ loss_ratio * lossₚ()
I compute the physical loss term for every point of the sub sample:
lossₚ() = eachrow(sub_sample_time_df) .|> lossₚ |> sum
function lossₚ(x)
Κ = 0.997887
τ = 1439.8
θ = -661.1
ŷ = [x.Q1, x.T1prev] |> NN |> first
# Column1 contains a zero based index
is_previous = all_data_points_df.Column1 .== (x.Column1-1)
xₚᵣₑᵥ = static_df[is_previous, :] |> first
ŷₚᵣₑᵥ = [xₚᵣₑᵥ.Q1, xₚᵣₑᵥ.T1prev] |> NN |> first
Δyₗ = ŷ - ŷₚᵣₑᵥ
U = x.Q1
i₀ = x.duration
yᵣ = (.-ŷ .+ Κ .* U .*(i₀ .- θ)) ./ τ
return sum((Δyₗ .- yᵣ) .^2)
I construct the physical model around the sample point. The function includes a delta term. Do a lookup of the heating and the previous temperature of the previous value, to feed it into a tiny neural network with only 33 parameter.
I perhaps someone with more experience with PINN can share his experience?