Zygote error. "Only reference types can be differentiated with `Params`."

I have been updating the Lotka-Volterra example in the model zoo. The call to train! fails with an error in Zygote src/compiler/interface.jl line 129 with the error in the title.

The reason for the error is a mystery to me.

My code is at https://github.com/Emmanuel-R8/model-zoo/blob/update-diffeq/contrib/diffeq/lotka-volterra.jl. Call to train! is on the very last line.

Has anybody seen that before?

That’s really annoying. I already put in 2 PRs to update that blog post and they somehow got reverted:


Should be updated now, but the TeX needs help: Update DiffEqFlux blog post by ChrisRackauckas · Pull Request #736 · JuliaLang/www.julialang.org · GitHub

Thanks Chris.

Looking at your diifs, I got the error to go away. I had forgotten to wrap the parameters using params = Flux.params(p).

This brings 2 points:

  • the error message is not really informative (to a novice like me);
  • I had read Flux.train!() to debug the error. The very first line is ps = Params(ps) and I had concluded the wrapping was not necessary before calling the function. Clearly I am still missing something.

The Flux API can be a bit difficult to use because of the globals which is why we recommend a sciml_train workflow these days, as demonstrated in the README: https://github.com/SciML/DiffEqFlux.jl

Can you clarify what you mean by “globals” in the Flux API?

Flux uses global references to “know” what the “parameters” are everywhere. DiffEqFlux’s sciml_train has a vector p, and you use the values in p, and those values get updated. Making everything explicit can make things more clear IMO.

Are you referring to the variables passed to params()?

I agree you are right that explicitly passing things is more clear and reliable,
but the params() scheme has the advantage I think that it can differentiate
through code that was not written for Flux.

So can explicit parameter setups. In fact, it’s probably moreso for things that are explicit in parameters, because lots of libraries want you to pass the values you use.