Zoom in/out only works for first drawing on a figure

Hi All. I’m wondering if somebody can explain the following behavior. I draw something, empty! the axis scene, and then draw something similar. All the drawing works as expected but I’ve noticed that while I can zoom in/out on the first drawing, I can’t for the second. Why is that?

using GLMakie
using GLMakie: Screen

fig = Figure()
screen = display(Screen(), fig)
ax = Axis(fig[1,1])

xs = range(0,2π, length = 100)
ys = sin.(xs)

lines!(ax, xs, ys; color=:green)
print("Try zooming in/out, then hit enter:") ; readline()


lines!(ax, xs, -ys; color=:red)
print("Try zooming in/out, then hit enter:") ; readline()


Do empty!(ax) instead of empty!(ax.scene), the latter kind of pulls the rug out from under the Axis by removing some connections needed for the interactions