I have encountered a weird behaviour in JuMP. This works
JuMP.@constraint(model, sum(A[i, :] * Y_mat[i,:]’ for i in 1:m) .- sum(μ)*I .==
while this does not
JuMP.@constraint(model, sum(A[i, :] * transpose(Y_mat[i,:]) for i in 1:m) .- sum(μ)*I .== zeros(n,n))
It throws this error
MethodError: no method matching promote_array_mul(::Type{Vector{Float64}}, ::Type{Transpose{VariableRef, Vector{VariableRef}}})
To my understanding, both should be internally the same. Is this a bug or is there a specific reason JuMP does not support transpose() here?
I am on Julia 1.9.0 and JuMP v1.19.0.
Hi @dhendryc, welcome to the forum!
I’ve opened an issue with this bug report: Missing methods for LinearAlgebra.Transpose · Issue #256 · jump-dev/MutableArithmetics.jl · GitHub
The issue stems from the fact that x'
is not actually LinearAlgebra.transpose
, but LinearAlgebra.adjoint
. (The difference is very subtle.)
julia> x[1, :]
2-element Vector{VariableRef}:
julia> x[1, :]'
1×2 adjoint(::Vector{VariableRef}) with eltype VariableRef:
x[1,1] x[1,2]
julia> transpose(x[1, :])
1×2 transpose(::Vector{VariableRef}) with eltype VariableRef:
x[1,1] x[1,2]
julia> adjoint(x[1, :])
1×2 adjoint(::Vector{VariableRef}) with eltype VariableRef:
x[1,1] x[1,2]
But this is a bad MethodError, and we can fix to support transpose
as well.
Hi @odow ,
thank you for the clarification!
It would be nice if JuMP also supported transpose
. I find it easier to catch modelling errors, '
can be easily overlooked.
I’ve fixed this in MutableArithmetics.jl, so it just needs a new release. Likely in the next day or two