dear julia experts—I would like to define a function with explicit typing, which works for all types of float vectors. Its output should be the same type as its input.
I know how to do this for one specific type, such as Float64.
julia> x64= [ 3.0, NaN, 2.0 ];
julia> function lag64( a::Vector{Float64}, n::Int=1 )::Vector{Float64};
vcat( fill(NaN, n), a[1:(end-n)] ); end
julia> lag64( x64 )
3-element Array{Float64,1}:
I could define the same function repeatedly (Float16, Float32, Float64, BigFloat), but this seems like a bad idea—if only because I would need to hand-propagate subsequent function changes. (And, ideally, I also want it to work with Float+missing.)
Here is a simple example (out of many) that I have tried:
julia> x32=Vector{Float32}( [1.0, NaN, -1.0 ] );
julia> function lagA( a::Vector{AbstractFloat}, n::Int=1 )::Vector{AbstractFloat};
vcat( fill(NaN, n), a[1:(end-n)] ); end
julia> ## lag64( x32 ) ## of course not
## ERROR: MethodError: no method matching lag64(::Array{Float32,1})
julia> lagA( x32 )
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching lagA(::Array{Float32,1})
julia> lagA( x64 )
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching lagA(::Array{Float64,1})
Although my question is in terms of Float, it is really more generic.
how do I define functions that input not just one specific type, but a set of types; and which then return the same type—say, a Vector{Number}
and return a Vector{Number}
forced to be of the same type. When the function is called with a Vector{Int16}
, it will return a Vector{Int16}
. And, because Missing seems to become a quasi-basetype in terms of its importance, I need to write functions that grok base types with missing, too.
Advice appreciated. Julia is fun, but has a good learning curve, so apologies for so many questions.